Leavine Family Racing wants Carter to get chicken nuggets

Have you heard of the term “social currency”? It’s had a whole new meaning in recent weeks.
A movement on Twitter where people ask how many retweets they need to receive something has gone to a new level.
You might remember Landon Cassill taking part in the endeavor and giving NASCAR fans autographed memorabilia, etc. for getting so many retweets.
Now, a 16-year-old in Reno, Nevada named Carter Wilkerson needs 18 million retweets from Wendy’s to get a year of free chicken nuggets.
In honor of this ridiculous attempt, which is currently at 3.2 million retweets, Leavine Family Racing has placed a logo on the back of Michael McDowell’s No. 95 Chevrolet for this weekend’s Food City 500 at Bristol.
"I am blown away by all of the support!" said Wilkerson. "It all started out just for fun. I just really wanted some chicken nuggets. Now, we've raised more than $100,000 for charity and it just keeps growing. I've just about beat Ellen, and I'm Twitter verified. I'm excited to see what's next."
And if you feel so inclined to help this hungry 16-year-old, here’s his tweet.