Here's uncensored video of Vince McMahon's F-bomb on 'Monday Night Raw'
Feb. 23, 2016 12:06 p.m. ET
When you own the company you can do whatever you want.
Vince McMahon proved this on "Monday Night Raw" this week when he dropped the F-bomb on his son Shane, who returned to the WWE after leaving in 2009.
In fairness to Vince, the crowd was white hot for Shane's surprising return, and he had a WrestleMania 32 match to sell (between Shane and The Undertaker), so he might have just gotten carried away in the heat of the moment.
No matter the reason, it was still shocking to see Vince, who has championed the change from the "Attitude Era" to the "PG Era" mention that Shane was going to get a "f---ing beating"