The top five worst fans at Dana White Q&A sessions

LAS VEGAS -- Before starting a question-and-answer session with fans on the main stage Saturday at the UFC Fan Expo, Dana White warned the gathered: don't ask for tickets.
So what did at least a quarter of them do? Yeah, you guessed it.
Very rarely does the president of a sports property give time to fans like White does. And you can tell even his patience was wearing thin about the "questions" he was getting.
Without further ado, here are the top five absolute worst fans who ask White questions during Q&As.
5. Fans who ask for pictures and/or autographs
Of course, the UFC Fan Expo is designed for this very thing. People wait on line -- some for a very long time -- to meet, take pictures with and get autographs signed by their favorite fighters. We have no problem with that at all. But White's Q&A is not a damn signing session. He's there to answer your questions. Use that appropriately.
White always stays after these things and signs autographs and takes photos. Just wait until the end and you'll be taken care of. Don't interrupt everyone else's entertainment by getting up, walking to the stage and mugging for a pic that will end up on Tinder at some point. Because he won't say no. Even though he should.
4. Fans who ask for tickets
This is a given and somewhat understandable. Everyone wants to go see the fights and ticket prices are not cheap. When there is a Fan Expo, some people come to town without having seats locked up for the events. There just has to be a better way to get tickets than disrupting a question-and-answer session with White.
Other fans who have tickets don't want to hear you asking for handouts. They just paid damn good money for the seats they have. And now you're going to make a play to get in for free to a show they spent their hard-earned cash on? No bueno. That's not a way to make many friends.
3. Job seekers
We guess the old process of sending a resume and cover letter is dated. Some people think they can show up to an event and ask the president of the company for a job and one will be bestowed on him or her. One gentleman Saturday told White that he could decrease the UFC's online piracy problems by 50 percent and wanted to be compensated as such.
The worst, though, was the guy whose goal was to become the UFC president -- "I want to be just like you," he told White -- and he wanted White help him achieve it. White's response was perfect. "You want my job and expect me to help you do it?" Well played.
2. Product pushers
The very first question of the session was not a question at all. It was some guy who was distributing photos of UFC fighters to barber shops or something and he wanted White's endorsement or investment. Or something. We stopped paying attention. White should have too.
Then there was the guy who wanted to test White's reflexes with this device he created. White actually let him on stage without his bodyguard Kea tossing him across the convention center. He must have been in a really good mood to do that.
1. Wannabe reality TV producers
No, seriously. These people actually do exist. Two people actually pitched White ideas for reality shows Saturday. We're not sure if they were still drunk after partying all night at Spearmint Rhino, but it happened.
One guy proposed "The Ultimate Fighter for announcers" to fill the role as a substitute for Bruce Buffer. Another one stole the idea for "The Apprentice," making it about White choosing an assistant. To his credit, White said both shows would "suck." He was right.