Lax player’s real-life GTA joyride fail

Zachary Burgess, a freshman on Auburn’s lacrosse team, planned on watching his Tigers take on LSU Saturday, but things went south for his weekend long before Auburn set foot on the field.
Burgess allegedly decided to try a little real-life Grand Theft Auto.
According to the police report, at around 2:30 Saturday morning, Burgess was leaving a bar in Baton Rouge — strike one — when he jumped behind the wheel of an idling truck — strikes two through ten.
He proceeded to drive the truck away from the bar, even though there was a woman in the passenger seat. As if anyone thought Burgess would practice defensive driving at this point, he is then accused of sideswiping nine parked cars on his joyride.
And it appears a joyride was exactly what Burgess was looking for — when questioned by police, he allegedly said he “wanted to see what it was really like to play the video game Grand Theft Auto.”
That’s like a two-star wanted level and he still got caught.
(h/t Deadspin)