Gay ex-NFL player applauds Jason Collins' announcement

Gay ex-NFL player applauds Jason Collins' announcement

Updated Mar. 4, 2020 10:31 p.m. ET

Reaction from across the country continues to roll in the aftermath of NBA player Jason Collins announcement that he is gay. One former NFL player couldn't be happier. Esera Tuaolo, who played nine seasons in the NFL, came out in 2002 three years after retiring. He couldn't be happier with the Collins news, according to an interview with USA Today. "It's about time," said Tuaolo, who had a rough time secretly living with his homosexuality during his playing years. "What people need to realize and understand, when I played in the NFL for nine years, I was living with depression, suicide tendencies. I was living with blackouts, alcoholism." You wouldn't be able to tell these days, as Tuaolo constantly has a smile on his face and works in the fight against prejudice. See the whole interview below:
