Gay Alabama Couple Marries in Crimson Tide Gear

Think about this for a minute -- you have lived in Alabama for a long time and you're gay. You've hoped to be married to your significant other for a decade or more. But a part of you is aware that's unlikely because you live in one of the most conservative states in the country. In 2006 81% of your fellow state residents voted to disallow you to ever marry the man or woman you love. Then, amazingly, Alabama suddenly becomes the 37th state to allow gay marriage. It's really the political equivalent of the kick six, a sudden turn of events that has changed the expected outcome.
You can get married!
So you want to rush over to the courthouse for your certificate.
But first you have to get dressed.
What do you wear to your wedding?!
Well, if you're at least one gay couple, you put on your matching Alabama Crimson Tide gear.
Melissa and Kimberly Martin got married Monday morning in Montgomery (If you couldn't tell they're big Alabama fans)
— Kim Chandler (@StatehouseKim) February 9, 2015
This is a fantastic photo.
Because if you're opposed to gay marriage don't you just look at this picture and think -- gay people in Alabama really aren't that different from the rest of us. They get married in their Bama gear and blue jeans too.
Roll Tide.
By the way, we don't get involved in politics that much on here, but one of the strong beliefs of the radical moderates -- along with legalizing sports gambling and most drugs -- is that if you're an adult you can do whatever the hell you want. That includes getting married. Gay people have just as much a right to be miserably married as straight people.