Aaron Rodgers
Fantasy Football Draft Day Do's and Don'ts
Aaron Rodgers

Fantasy Football Draft Day Do's and Don'ts

Updated Mar. 4, 2020 7:17 p.m. ET

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Ladies and gentlemen, class officially is in session.

With the start of the NFL season looming like a Roger Goodell appeal ruling, your fantasy football draft likely is right around the corner. That means it's time to bust out those cheat sheets and rankings and start formulating your plan.

Yet the key to a successful fantasy draft isn't just about who you select. It's also about how you approach the draft, and what strategies you use to make sure your roster is solid from top to bottom.


We're certainly in no position to lecture, but we can offer a few tips that should help you go into your draft with a plan. So take out that notebook and jot down the following "do's" and "don'ts" to adhere to in your draft.

Have a fantasy/NFL question for Darren? Send it to him via Twitter at @darren_hartwell


Aaron Rodgers
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