Bush says he would not want to return to USC

Former USC running back Reggie Bush, who lost the 2005 Heisman Trophy in the wake of scandal that saw the NCAA hammer the Trojans with severe sanctions, said Wednesday that he has not wanted to return to USC and would not go back even if he could.
Bush, appearing on Dan Patrick's national radio show, also said he had returned his Heisman to the Heisman Trust. Tim Henning, a Heisman official, confirmed to The Times that Bush returned the trophy and that the Heisman Trust was in possession of it.
As part of its sanctions, USC was ordered to disassociate from Bush and remove all references to him on campus, including the school’s Heisman that was displayed in Heritage Hall.
Bush, now playing for the Miami Dolphins, said he follows USC football along with all colleges.
“I’m a sports fan,” he said. “I’m not just an athlete who plays football.”
Patrick asked Bush about his “status with USC football” and explained that Athletic Director Pat Haden had said on the show that Bush was not allowed to be around the program.
“I haven’t wanted to go back so I don’t feel like that’s an issue,” Bush said. “So even if it was, I wouldn’t go back.”
Patrick then asked Bush about the status of his Heisman.
Bush: “What do you mean?”
Patrick: “Where is it?”
Bush: “It’s with the Heisman people last time I checked.”
Patrick: “Wait, I talked to them a couple of weeks ago. They said that you still had it.”
Bush: “No, that’s not true at all. I can assure you that that’s not true…. This is not in our possession, last we checked. I personally sent it to them, so they have it.”
Patrick: “All right. Well, then we should inform the Heisman Trust that they have it or at least it’s on the way.”
Bush: “No, it’s not on the way. It’s been there for awhile now.”
[Updated, 3:37 p.m.: The Dan Patrick Show later confirmed and reported that Bush's Heisman had been returned to the Heisman Trust.]