Dez Bryant goes off on low 'Madden 17' rating: 'That is an insult'

In the hierarchy of Dez Bryant's life life, there's football-football, Madden football and "eating/random/other."
The man loves him some video games, and after getting a look at his player stats for the upcoming Madden 17 release, Bryant is not happy.
Per the Dallas News' Jon Machota, Bryant broke off on a tangent about his ratings in the game after Friday's preseason tilt against the Miami Dolphins. After a 2015 season derailed by injury, Bryant's "overall" rating has dropped from 96 to 90 in the game, and Dez ain't happy.
"It is what it is," Bryant said. "We're just going to see what happens. Like I told Madden, they put me at 90. I'm not worried about that. That rating going to shoot up real quick, you best believe that."
"I play Madden, I [expletive] love Madden. They would do me like that? Oh my God. That is an insult, like why would you do that to me? How much I love y'all. Like that? Not John Madden, because I love him. It's the developers."
EA responded to Bryant on Tuesday: getting your kicking skills up, Dez.
This isn't the first time Bryant's felt the cold sting of digital injustice. Last year it was his speed rating that seemed like an insult.
"89 speed? Y'all [expletive] crazy," Bryant tweeted at EA in 2015.
Love your digital self, guys. It's the only digital you you get.
Dan is on Twitter. His meme rating in EA Pro Blogger is criminally lacking.