Cam Newton gets penalized for taunting after getting hit in the helmet while sliding

Cam Newton has complained a number of times this season about not getting the same calls other NFL quarterbacks receive, especially when it comes to unnecessary roughness penalties. And it appears Newton can add another instance to his ever-growing list.
During the second quarter against the Redskins on Monday night, Newton escaped the pocket and began to slide as Washington linebacker Trent Murphy pursued the reigning MVP. As Newton hit the ground, Murphy made contact with him on what appeared to be a hit to Newton’s helmet.
Newton popped up after the tackle and flipped the ball in Murphy’s direction. An official threw a flag, which many assumed was on Murphy for hitting a defenseless quarterback. Instead, the penalty was on Newton for taunting. (You can watch the play here.)
The 15-yard penalty knocked the Panthers out of field-goal range. Carolina took a 13-9 lead into halftime.