Bradley Roby
Bradley Roby
Broncos' Roby brags about Ohio State -- and gets trolled hard
Sep. 8, 2015 11:02 p.m. ET


Former Ohio State Buckeye Bradley Roby loved what he saw in Ohio State's season opener.
So the Denver Broncos cornerback took to social media to gloat about the resounding win over Virginia Tech.
Roby was riding high -- until teammate Max Garcia (a Florida alum) had to take him down a peg.
Sounds like some jealously brewing over the Gators' substandard 2014. So Roby shot back:
These boys winning #BacktoBack ! ⭕️?
— Bradley Roby (@BradRoby_1) September 8, 2015
Good thing teammate Arthur Lynch was there to settle the debate.
Braxton Miller though.... Wow, just wow. #OSUvsVT
— Arthur Lynch (@alynch1788) September 8, 2015

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