Urban Meyer finally allowed the color blue in an Ohio State practice

Like any good Ohio State coach, Urban Meyer doesn't tolerate the color blue being anywhere near his Buckeyes. It can't be on a poster or a napkin or even the slighest splash across a shirt. Blue is the color of archenemy Michigan, and he just can't have that.
Meyer takes this so seriously that he's been known to kick Ohio State students out of open scrimmages for wearing any shade of blue.
Well, this week Meyer finally did allow blue to be present at Ohio State practices.
With it being Memorial Day weekend, the Buckeyes held "Patriot Week" in which they learned about the military and honored the men and women who serve America.
Since the red, white and blue represents America, Meyer chilled out on the color ban -- for ONE practice (via ESPN):
As of Friday afternoon, Columbus, Ohio, has not actually combusted.
The coolest part of Patriot Week, says offensive lineman Pat Elflein, was listening to a SEAL talk and writing letters to the families of fallen soldiers: