The Latest: Paterno allegedly told of molestation in '76

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) The Latest on convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky and the Penn State Abuse case (all times local):
8:35 p.m.
A judge says insurers in litigation with Penn State claim a boy told coach Joe Paterno in 1976 that he had been molested by Jerry Sandusky. ( ) reported Thursday that the order by Philadelphia Judge Gary Glazer also cites reports by unnamed assistant coaches they witnessed inappropriate contact between Sandusky and children.
Sandusky is serving decades in prison for sexual abuse of boys, the earliest incident in 1998.
Paterno went to university higher-ups with an assistant's 2001 report of Sandusky abusing a child in a team shower, and told a grand jury in 2011 he didn't ''know of anything else'' involving Sandusky.
A Paterno family spokesman tells that there's no evidence to corroborate the new disclosure and that Paterno never covered up Sandusky's actions.
12:10 p.m.
Convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky is getting a hearing in two weeks when his lawyers will be allowed to try to up end the prosecution of the former Penn State assistant coach.
Judge John Cleland on Thursday scheduled a May 20 hearing, when Sandusky's lawyers will be able to try to prove their claims that prosecutors leaked secret material to find more victims, lied about whether they knew one victim's identity and withheld information that could have exonerated Sandusky.
The judge said the defense also can file arguments that the grand jury lacked jurisdiction over the crimes.
Sandusky is serving a lengthy prison term on his conviction in 2012 of 45 counts of child sexual abuse.