Draft Day Sports: College Football 2017 Released--Win Your Copy!

Wolverine Studios’ latest simulation game, Draft Day Sports: College Football 2017, lets you control the program of your favorite school. As part of a partnership between Wolverine Studios and FanSided, you can win a copy!
Alabama and Clemson squared off for the national title last year and both schools are back in the College Football Playoff this season. But with Wolverine Studios’ latest release, Draft Day Sports: College Football 2017, you might get an entirely different result.
The game is a 2D simulation, not your grab the joystick and hit the turbo button game, but rather an immersive, take-total-control of your universe experience.
I’ve spent a great deal of time in those Wolverine Studios’ created universes over the years and the amount of control the player has is amazing, and seems to increase with each new iteration of the game.
DDS: CF2017 comes with three game modes: Career, Sandbox and Online. Career mode is a single-player mode where you take over the role of coaching a team. You recruit, set up your training camp and run the day-to-day operations of your program.
You can also set the game plans and rosters for each game–you have complete control of that single team.
Getting the game plan right is a key element to success in Wolverine Studios’ Draft Day Sports: College Football 2017. (Image courtesy of Wolverine Studios)
Sandbox mode is for those who want control on a more grandiose scale–you can run every team in the association you create. You can set up various scenarios, run multiple programs and set up as few or as many teams to human control as you choose. Those teams left computer controlled will manage themselves.
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The online mode allows commissioners to control an association and players can export game plans and strategies from their version of the game.
The commissioner then imports those files, plays out the week’s events (recruiting, games and the like) and can publish HTML reports that can be uploaded to a website for the members of the league to peruse, talk smack about–all the fun parts about being in an online league.
When you set up an association, you can decide whether injuries will be turned on or off (a setting that can be changed at any time in the “Options” menu), whether to disable the 2D display, whether you want to import a custom file with your own players or have the game generate players.
Once the association is created, you can decide whether you want the players to have their own individual personalities, customize play-calling settings and other various choices (did I mention you basically have total control?)
The latest update of the game comes with a PDF help file that is accessible from in-game.
But Wolverine Studios also has a forum that has help guides and links to YouTube videos to help players get started. The forum also includes an extremely active community of gamers who create and share all sorts of tasty treats that can make your gaming experience even more authentic.
The game retails for $34.99 and is available at the Wolverine Studios website. But in partnership with FanSided, we are giving away one free copy of Draft Day Sports: College Football 2017. You can enter below:
The game will be awarded on Dec. 22.