Butch Jones on the lowest moment of his career, eyes on a national championship

On October 4th, 2014, the scene was set for an amazing weekend on Rocky Top.
The Volunteers were poised to finally get over their nine-year drought against the Florida Gators.
The fans worked all week long in preparation for the first ever Checkerboard Neyland campaign, and the results were stunning.
Tennessee began the fourth quarter up 9-0, with the defense looking suffocating against an overmatch Jeff Driskel.
Then Will Muschamp finally pulled his former five-star recruit for a freshman named Treon Harris. Harris of course sparked the Gators into the 10-9 upset that ruined the weekend, if not the season for the Vols.
But Tennessee didn't crumble, as they had done so many times in seasons past, in fact they thrived down the stretch despite a roster lacking experience or depth. The Vols rallied to a 5-3 finish and with another top recruiting class signed and delivered to Knoxville, faith is at an all-time high on Rocky Top since the early 2000's.
If Butch's team continues to progress at this rate, it won't be long until Butch owns one of these.