Premier League splashes out on agents' fees

The Premier League says clubs in England's top division spent more than 67 million pounds ($104.8 million) on player agents' fees in the past year.
Chelsea and Liverpool were the biggest spenders on agents between October 2009 and September 2010, splashing out 18.2 million pounds ($28.4 million) between them from a combined total of 67.1 million pounds among the 20 topflight teams.
Chelsea's payments to agents were slightly down compared the previous year but Liverpool's were up 2.4 million pounds ($3.7 million).
The total outlay by Premier League clubs fell by 3.6 million pounds compared to 2008-09.
The league's biggest spender, Manchester City, more than halved its payment to agents - from 12.8 million pounds ($20 million) to 5.9 million pounds ($9.2 million).