Parsons couldn't watch Rockets on TV either

Houston Rockets swingman Chandler Parsons got food poisoning Sunday night in Dallas and because of it had to miss his team's game Monday against the Orlando Magic. Cooped up in his apartment recovering, Parsons then realized what approximately half of Houston has realized.
He doesn't get televised Rockets games at his home.
Yep. Parsons, it turns out, lives in an apartment complex that doesn't receive Comcast SportsNet Houston.
"I couldn't even get the game. I was on my phone, tracking it and trying to keep up," he told the Houston Chronicle.
CSN Houston has the local television contracts for the Rockets and Houston Astros, having taken over those broadcast rights from FOX Sports Houston this past summer. But Comcast has not been able to strike a deal with all of the city's cable providers, most notably AT&T and DirecTV, and about half the city can't catch the Rockets on television.
Unless Parsons, a Florida native, is a big Houston Astros fan, he isn't likely to be affected by the deal again any time soon. He expects to play Wednesday in Sacramento.