MLB commissioner says two groups are bidding to buy Marlins
NEW YORK (AP) -- Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred says two groups are still bidding to buy the Miami Marlins from Jeffrey Loria.
New York Yankees captain Derek Jeter and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush are involved in one of the groups. Bloomberg reported Tuesday that the Jeter/Bush group won an auction for the team with a $1.3 billion bid. Manfred said some reports on the sale have been premature.
"There are multiple bidders for the Marlins," Manfred said Thursday at the groundbreaking for the Jackie Robinson Museum. "There is no agreement in place. We're working with more than one group, and when we have a definitive agreement we'll make an announcement."
Asked about the timeline, Manfred responded: "The timeline is relatively short; it would be measured in days, not months." He also said "there is not a signed document on any topic."
"We still have two groups involved in the process," he added. "Timing is one of the things that both the buyer and the seller are working through, so it's just impossible to say at this point, and I don't want to get into really what the issues are. The only reason I commented on this at all is there had been so much out there that really (is) not quite accurate."