Mexican wrestling star Perro Aguayo Jr., 35, dies after collapsing during match

Mexican wrestling star Perro Aguayo Jr., 35, dies after collapsing during match

Published Mar. 21, 2015 12:31 p.m. ET

Tragedy struck Friday night in Tijuana as one of the biggest stars in pro wrestling in Mexico Perro Aguayo Jr. passed away after collapsing against the ropes during a match.

According to

Aguayo comes from a wrestling family. He began his career as a teen and was the AAA group's top heel (villain). He has been a top star for nearly two decades.


The belief was Aguayo Jr. suffered a concussion and would be fine, but he died shortly after in a Tijuana hospital. 

There is video of the match and it could be disturbing to some viewers.


And Twitter reacted to the tragedy.

