How do you follow up Tebow? Peyton says it’s ‘impossible’

How do you follow up Tebow? Peyton says it’s ‘impossible’

Updated Mar. 4, 2020 11:04 a.m. ET

By Ross Jones, When Peyton Manning left Indianapolis after 14 years, he took over the role of starting quarterback for the Denver Broncos from Tim Tebow. You might recall that Tebow, of course, led the Broncos to a playoff berth and a sensational wild card win against the Steelers. Tebow was a fan favorite in Denver. He united a team and a fanbase that frayed during the Kyle Orton days. So, how does one legend follow another? Manning had a quick, to-the-point answer during Crowd Goes Wild’s hilarious segment Questions out of Left Field. “How hard is it to follow in the footsteps of Tim Tebow,” Crowd Goes Wild panelist Michael Kosta asked Manning. “Very hard,” Manning quipped. “It’s impossible. I’m not sure how it can be done.” Of course, Manning handled the “pressure” quite well as he ended up leading the Broncos to the playoffs and winning the Comeback Player of the Year Award.
