FOX survivor football picks for Week 16

Survive and advance is a popular sports mantra normally saved for the month of March and the madness that comes with it.
But thanks to the rapid growth of the NFL and fantasy football, games like FOX Fantasy Survivor can feed your craving for “win or go home” competition seven months early.
Thousands of football fans signed up and participated in the FOX Fantasy Survivor game last season. The hope is, with cash prizes on the line, we can eclipse that mark in 2011.
The premise is simple: pick one (1) team who you believe is going to win that week. The survivor catch remains that once you pick a team to win, you can’t pick that team again for the rest of the season. The good news is, even if you lose, you are still eligible to win cash prizes.
To assist you with your survivor selections, the’s fantasy football staff will provide you their picks for the week.
Just remember the mantra: survive and advance. In a couple weeks, you could be $2,000 richer.
Week 15 Recap
Harmon picked the Packers. Kyle Orton controlled the clock.
Beall and Fowler picked the Colts. Every now and then a squirrel finds a nut and/or Donald Brown finds daylight.
Halpin picked the Bills. It was his fifth option.
Nobody said this game wasn't challenging in Week 15.
Week 16 Picks
Harmon, Fowler and Beall - Washington
In Rex we trust. The Minnesota Vikings haven't picked off a pass since Week 5. They have six total. Welcome to the air show.
Halpin - Carolina
The man based out of Charlotte takes his hometown team. I think we call respect his decision. It helps they are facing Tampa Bay.