Coming to a head: 'Jose Guy' loses locks with Fernandez's return

MIAMI -- As Andres Salgado reached the front of the line for a selfie with Jose Fernandez during February's Winter Warm-Up, the Miami Marlins ace recognized him and vowed to get back from his injury as quick as he could.
Salgado, who pledged May 2014 to not shave his head or beard until Fernandez returned from Tommy John surgery, became known as "The Jose Guy." He posted video updates on his progress,while the 2013 National League Rookie of the Year rehabbed.
"Because I'm a huge Marlins fan," Salgado said of why he did it. "It was just to show my support not only to Jose but the Marlin family as a whole. The Marlins have given me entertaining years for the past 23 years. They've been there when I moved to Orlando. They won the '03 Series. I'm an 18-year-old kid moving to a place he didn't know or recognize anything and turned on the TV and that was the team I grew up watching and gave me such a good feeling."
Walking around Marlins Park, fans wanted photos with him. Visiting Los Angeles in May, Dodgers fans asked for pictures. He became somewhat of a celebrity of his own.
With Fernandez scheduled to start Thursday's series finale against the San Francisco Giants, the time had finally come for the anticipated haircut.
Fernandez and team barber Hugo "Juice" Tandron gave Salgado a fresh 'do and left a goatee -- upon the urging of Fernandez -- Wednesday afternoon inside the visitor's bullpen at Marlins Park. A charity auction raised $1,000, thanks to a donation by Marlins Man, for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
His wife said whatever Fernandez wanted for the look would be what they went with. Salgado's mother pleaded for him to get rid of the shaggy beard.
"This is by far nothing what I imagined it would be," Salgado said. "I thought it would be a nice little haircut from Juice in his barbershop with a couple of people but never this mass media attention."
Added Fernandez: "It's aways great. I think the fans give us a lot of love and I think it's really important. It was fun. It's something that I'll probably never forget and I don't think he will either."
Tandron, who has likely cut close to a million people, called this a unique occasion.
"Never a special one like this," Tandron said. "It's just the reason behind it. It's awesome. The commitment, the love that he has for this team, especially the kids and stuff he's doing it for. I tell you what that takes a lot of patience and a lot of commitment. I salute him, especially for the cause and stuff."
Over nearly 14 months, Salgado saved money on razors and shaving gel, but quickly learned he needed to spend on shampoo and conditioner.
Nachos and pastelitos got trapped in his long beard. He looked forward to the feeling of wind blowing through his scalp rather than hair.
"People have been supportive," Salgado said. "My co-workers love it. They love everything that's been going on with it. My wife keeps looking at me and tugging the hair and having fun with it."
As hair continued to litter the ground on Wednesday, Salgado said he wouldn't keep it as a souvenir. He didn't see the finished product for the first time until getting a selfie with Marlins Man. Salgado joked that he could double as Mike Dunn's twin and felt about 10 pounds lighter.
So with Fernandez back, is this the end of the "Jose Guy?"
"I'm the Marlins Fish Family member, Andy Salgado," he said. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
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