Barry Switzer says his Trump 'meeting' was just a big prank

Barry Switzer says his Trump 'meeting' was just a big prank

Published Dec. 22, 2016 11:14 a.m. ET

A few weeks ago, numerous media outlets, this one included, published reports about former Dallas Cowboys and Oklahoma Sooners head coach Barry Switzer visiting president-elect Donald J. Trump at Trump Tower in New York City.

It turns out that the accomplished football coach is also adept at pulling pranks. In a story by Politico on Thursday, Switzer, who has "known Trump for decades," revealed that he just messing around with media assembled at the Trump Tower and never actually visited Trump at that time:

Switzer said he was shopping with his wife and daughter on Fifth Avenue and decided to walk into the Trump Tower lobby after seeing the Naked Cowboy. He had no meeting scheduled.

"All the media people said, 'Coach what are you doing here,'" Switzer said in an interview. "I told them I was here to see the president like everyone else."

Switzer said he instead went upstairs in Trump Tower, bought a coffee at Starbucks and came back downstairs.


"I told the reporters I had a great visit, and that we were going to make the wishbone great again," he said. "I told them I was going to be Secretary of Offense and that Trump knew how to run the ball down the field."

"Then I went back to my hotel and laughed my ass off," he said, still laughing this week. "It went everywhere. Everyone believed it. I had all these calls, but I was just jerking people around."
