US Olympic team gets in on mitten-mania
Sep. 30, 2013 12:37 p.m. ET
The hottest item in Sochi next year? The U.S. Olympic Committee is hoping it will be blue mittens with the words ''Go USA'' embroidered on the palms.
Taking a page from the red-mitten craze Canada sparked at the Vancouver Games, the USOC will start selling its own mittens Oct. 29.
They'll go for $14 a pair on the USOC website. Proceeds from the sales will help U.S. athletes on their way to Sochi.
USOC spokesman Patrick Sandusky acknowledges this isn't the first time the United States has borrowed an idea from its neighbors to the north. The USOC hopes the mittens will be as big a hit for the U.S. team as they were for Canada, where sales raised more than $14 million for the country's Olympic team.