See Michael Phelps' wedding photos (from the second ceremony, not the secret one)

See Michael Phelps' wedding photos (from the second ceremony, not the secret one)

Published Nov. 15, 2016 2:12 p.m. ET

It was revealed last week that Michael Phelps and fianceé Nicole Johnson were married in a quickie wedding on June 13, one month after the birth of their son Boomer and one month before Phelps was set to compete in his fifth (and final?) Olympics. On Saturday, the two held a more traditional nuptials and announced it via the untraditional means of hitting SHARE on Instagram.

Phelps was wearing an — oh, get real, nobody cares what Phelps was wearing. That could be off the rack from one of those "buy six, get nine free" deals at Jos. A. Bank and it wouldn't matter. (Though Phelps did look quite nice. Soft color for the Cabo San Lucas setting, a tie tied to the proper "top of belt loop" length, not wearing a swim cap, etc.)

The bride was resplendent in a gown by Julie Vino which tells us is a big wedding designer. Vino told PEOPLE:


"She did not want the traditional bridal gown. She wanted something that was a little more easygoing and flowing, and a slit up the side. She always wanted something with a slit. It was something that she had in her head from the beginning."

Johnson also posted her own Instagram photo of the event, which also contained a subtle reference to her newly married status.

See it? That's the first post from mrs.nicolephelps.
