Tim Tebow delivers sermon to packed church in Florida
Tim Tebow packed them in again on Sunday in Florida.
No, this wasn't at a football stadium. Rather to another group of faithful, at the Real Life church in Clermont. Some people waited overnight to get into the church to listen to Tebow.
Per Mike Bianchi of the Orlando Sentinel:
The former Florida star and Heisman Trophy winner, whose foundation a week earlier played host to a "Night to Shine" prom in 48 states for specil needs kids, has a goal.
Per the Sentinel:
"I think it's helping change the narrative on how others view those with special needs," he said. "They're not a mistake. They're not cursed. They're special and they're important and we need to treat them that way. It's all part of the church doing what the church is supposed to do and that's loving people and loving people who (Jesus said) are perceived to be the least of these."
Concluded one of the members of the standing-room only congregation, "It's so awesome to see a man you know you can trust who shares his faith openly and honestly, said John Sweet, who wore his No. 15 Tebow jersey into the chapel.