College football kills on 'Jeopardy!'

Answer: “No.”
Question: What is, “Do you have to be well-versed in college sports to qualify for 'Jeopardy!'?”
Case in point: This clip below from Monday’s edition of the long-running game show, in which three contestants — champion Ben and challengers Jonathan and Donna — don’t have the slightest idea where several famous athletes played in a category called "College Football Hall of Famers' Schools":
In fairness to the contestants, they did answer the first two questions in the category correctly, identifying Joe Theismann and George Gipp as former Notre Dame stars, and Lynn Swann and Marcus Allen as one-time USC Trojans. But being so befuddled by so many questions about star athletes that they couldn’t even muster a guess is pretty startling.
Of course, despite all of my criticism, Ben still gets the last laugh. He went on to win Monday's game, as well as Tuesday's, pushing him up to $157,733 over the course of his seven-game winning streak. In absence of that kind of dough, I’ll just drown my sorrows in "Jeopardy!" clips.
We’ll start with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar getting a question about Bill Walton wrong because he mistakenly thought it was about himself:
And another epic sports fail:
And a guy fainting during a Final Jeopardy question about the Olympics:
Then there’s Ken Jennings teaching us about gardening:
Some sly guy referencing "Family Guy" in Final Jeopardy:
The time Pat Sajak hosted on April Fool’s Day:
Alex Trebek being maybe accidentally racist:
A three-way tie for $0 in this year’s teen tournament:
”Dracula” Guy:
And, finally, pretty much everything Darrell Hammond ever said as Sean Connery on SNL's version of Celebrity Jeopardy: