Horizon League passes cost-of-attendance measure

Horizon League passes cost-of-attendance measure

Published Apr. 13, 2015 6:01 p.m. ET

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) The Horizon League has voted to expand scholarship limits that will cover the full cost-of-attendance for some athletes.

Detroit Mercy President Antoine Garibaldi made the announcement Monday, saying the conference's board of directors passed the measure unanimously.

Officials from the Indianapolis-based league say the additional money will go only to men's basketball players and an equal number of female athletes in league-sponsored sports.

The additional money covers costs that go beyond traditional scholarship limits, which previously covered only tuition, room and board, books and fees. The five power conferences approved a similar measure in January and gave other conferences the option of adopting similar provisions.


One league school, Oakland University, already has issued a statement saying it will develop a strategic plan for rapid implementation of the measure.
