Ultimate Fighting Championship
UFC London: Barao vs. McDonald
Ultimate Fighting Championship

UFC London: Barao vs. McDonald

Published Feb. 16, 2013 12:00 a.m. ET

Renan Barao vs Michael McDonald

Round 4:

McDonald with a nice left and Barao throws a leaping left hook in kind, neither hitting. Barao gets inside and eats a big left for his troubles. Barao goes for the takedown and McDonald stuffs him on it. Barao with a flying knee and follows it up with a vicious left that misses. McDonald is bleeding through the nose now, i t seems. Barao gets close and is throwing that left wild, can't hit it but Barao can't get the takedown either. Barao lands another spin kick and lands flush on it. He's starting to get comfortable throwing his usual offense. He wades in again and McDonald lands a body shot but misses a hook. He wades in and Barao grabs a body lock and tries to toss McDonald down, can't but eventually gets him down. He moves quickly to a head-arm triangle and gets into side control but that's deep. Barao is slowly walking that to the left and McDonald taps.

Official Result: Barao wins via submission (arm triangle) at 3:57 of the fourth round.


Round 3:

Slower pace to open the round. McDonald is pressing forward and the two get in a bit of a scrap; Barao is pushing the pace and making MacDonald come to him. McDonald eats a nice combination and Barao is in on the takedown. McDonald is fighting him off with a whizzer but Barao gets him to the ground in side control. McDonald scrambles and muscles him off, though, and we're back standing. McDonald is starting to win the exchanges now as he's starting to land more than just jabs. Barao with a nice uppercut. Barao's offensive has been pretty conservative tonight; usually he's a lot more flashy in what he does. McDonald is telegraphing more and Barao has figured out his counters now. He's wading in but Barao is meeting him as he comes with a big strike. Nice spinning kick from Barao to the midsection with 30 seconds left. Barao stalks him for the final 15 seconds of the fight.

Score: Barao 10-9, 29-28 Barao

Round 2:

Not a lot of action to start as Barao is a bit hesitant to trade with McDonald; he's backing out as soon as McDonald moves his arm back for a big punch. He felt that power and wants nothing to do with it. Barao with a spinning kick as McDonald backs away. Barao eats a left as he goes for the clinch, McDonald out quickly. Barao gets a deep single and takes him down, McDonald up just as quick. Barao comes in throwing but he hasn't quite figured out his range just yet. Barao is slowing down and we got an accidental eye poke. McDonald comes in firing and Barao lands a nice counter. McDonald is landing jabs but Barao is avoiding the bulk of the power shots from his combinations. Barao with a combination body punch and leg kick, followed by a nice front kick to the face. McDonald catches a kick and lands a beautiful combination. Round ends as neither fighter lands anything of significant despite throwing some nice combinations. Barao with a spin kick as the buzzer ends ... and it looks like he might be cut.

Score: McDonald 10-9, 19-19 even

Round 1:

Both fighters a bit tentative to start; this is five rounds so the pace is going to be slower for both. Barao is respecting McDonald's power, McDonald is looking for a big shot. Barao with a beautiful double and lands in side control, McDonald moves into guard and they're battling for wrist control. McDonald gets back up and Barao lets him as we're back to standing. McDonald with a beautiful combination as Barao is moving back as soon as he throws a significant strike. Big combination as Barao lands a nice counter. Barao is looking for the counter and to use his leg kicking game. Barao with a deep double and McDonald fights it off beautifully. McDonald closes the gap and lands some big shots and Barao is HURT! Barao recovers with a body lock and lands some big shots on McDonald as he goes for the takedown. Barao drags him to the ground as McDonald pulls him into an open guard. Round ends as both ride out the clock with some light striking.

Score: Barao 10-9

Cub Swanson vs Dustin Poirier

Round 3:

Swanson goes for a high kick early after some punching exchanges and Poirier goes in on a double off a slip, backing Cub against the cage. He switches up to a body lock and Swanson is trying to circle off the cage. Poirier lets go and Porier unloads with a beautiful combination as Swanson is just eating punishment across the cage. Poirier with a nice body kick and everything he's throwing is landing. Swanson goes for the takedown and gets it, Poirier landing in full guard. Swanson starts with the ground and pound and transitions to the back after a scramble. Swanson has full back mount in, loses it as Swanson rides him off it and gets both hooks in. Swanson is on Poirier's back as he stands up to shake him off as Swanson is a bit high on him. Poirier tries to shake him off and they roll into Swanson getting mount. Swanson stands up and is pouring it on. Poirier back to his feet and we have 60 seconds to throw down. Swanson with a headlock throw beautifully executed, landing with Swanson on his back. He's got a partial back mount right now as he's looking to grab an armbar. Poirier is trying to fight it off as Swanson goes for the armbar; Poirier gets out and is throwing hands until the final whistle.

Score: 10-9 Swanson, 29-28 Swanson

Official Result: Swanson wins via unanimous decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Round 2:

Poirier comes out more aggressive to start the round as Swanson continues to work body shots. Poirier with a nice combination as both guys are throwing; Swanson with a nice jumping body kick. He's working from the body on up and it's effective so far. Poirier with a nice triple jab to follow; these guys aren't holding back. Poirier grabs a single leg for the takedown and it's against the cage. Swanson is defending it well and eventually gets away, back to the center. Poirier is more aggressive as Swanson is looking to counter more. Nice body punch/head kick/body punch combination from Poirier, who then double legs Swanson down. Swanson sets up an omoplata but can't finish but uses it to get back standing. Poirier with some nice striking and goes for a single again on him. Swanson looks to grab a kimura against the fence as the two are jockeying for position against the cage. Swanson gets away with 20 seconds left and Poirier with a nice combination. Swanson ends the round the aggressor.

Score: 10-9 Poirier, 19-19 even

Round 1:

Both guys come out throwing down as both are landing; not a lot of feeling out. Swanson is charging forward and throwing whereas Poirier is looking for the counter. Poirier is looking to gauge distance with leg kicks as Cub tends to wade in wild. Poirier grabs the clinch and we're against the cage. Spirited exchange and Swanson with a big time uppercut following a beautiful head kick. Nice combination from Cub as Poirier catches the kick and takes him down off it. Poirier goes for the guillotine and can't finish, scramble to finish the round.

Score: Swanson 10-9

Jimi Manuwa vs Cyrille Diabate

Round 1:

Manuwa opens with a leg kick and Diabate is moving away. Manuwa goes for the body clinch and we're up against the cage. Manuwa drags him to the ground and we're into side control. Diabate looks to shrimp his way back up as Manuwa opens up with some nice short elbows. Diabate back up to his feet and they trade in the clinch with short elbows. Manuwa casually tosses Diabate to the ground after landing some nice punches, then lets him back up. Manuwa is landing some nice hooks and Diabate goes for the Thai clinch but Manuwa lands some big shots. Nice big leaping left hook from Manuwa as Manuwa is finding his range. Big knee from Diabate to the midsection and Manuwa drags him to the ground with 10 seconds left. Manuwa stand up to let him back up as the round ends.

Score: Manuwa 10-9

Official Result: Manuwa wins by TKO. Diabate unable to continue after round 1 (possible torn calf)

Gunnar Nelson vs Jorge Santiago

Round 3:

Santiago comes in throwing wildly again as Nelson grabs the body clinch but can't finish the takedown. Nelson is starting to open up with his kicking game; he's pressing forward more often and landing on Santiago. Santiago grabs the body clinch and it's up against the cage for Nelson to eat some knees. Santiago backs out but doesn't let him off the cage. He's throwing a lot of winged shots right now; he knows he's down and has to do something big. Santiago lands some big shots on Nelson and Nelson responds with a big uppercut. Santiago is hurt and Nelson is pushing the pace on him. Santiago is gassed right now as Nelson is landing some big shots on him right now. He goes back to the body clinch and tries for the takedown but can't finish. Nelson with another right and Santiago responds with some big shots of his own. Round ends as Santiago lands a massive right. Nelson walked through it though.

Score: 10-9 Nelson, 30-27 Nelson

Official Result: Nelson wins via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)

Round 2:

Jorge comes in wild to start and Nelson goes for the takedown, can't finish. Nelson with a beautiful combination and he goes for a double. Drags Santiago to the ground and he's looking to pass guard. Santiago is holding on to half guard. Nelson tries a standing pass but instead uses to land some big strikes onto Santiago. He's operating out of Santiago's full guard as he's throwing short elbows to grind him down. Nelson is countering Santiago's open guard but looking for a standing pass and winds up in side control. He's landing some nice strikes and moves into mount. This is beautiful work from Nelson. Nelson is landing strikes out of top and round ends with Nelson landing some big shots.

Score: 10-9 Nelson, 20-18 Nelson

Round 1:

Santiago comes out with some jabs and Nelson looks to grab a body clinch to bring it to the ground. Santiago backs out and we're back to the middle. Santiago throws some more as he's getting a bit wild as Nelson's horse stance and countering style are making him over commit. Nelson is making Santiago come to him by throwing side kicks to the leg. Santiago with a nice head kick followed by a Thai clinch attempt that goes nowhere. Nelson finally grabs a double and down quickly, Santiago into half guard. Nelson goes for a standing guard pass but Santiago uses it to get back up quickly. Santiago is chasing him down and throwing wild as Nelson is waiting for a good counter but not getting it. Santiago comes in wild again and Nelson to the clinch and gets Santiago against the cage. Santiago circles away and the round ends.

Score: Nelson 10-9

James Te Huna vs Ryan Jimmo

Round 3:

Jimmo more aggressive this round as Jimmo goes for a body lock and can't finish, Te Huna grabs one and can't and then Jimmo with a bodylock against the cage. Some cage work as both guys are trading knees while working for position. Te Huna pummels under and lands some nice strikes and Jimmo circles away. Te Huna bull rushes him against the cage and now we're playing the pummel game again. Te Huna drags him down and lands in half guard, landing some nice elbows. Jimmo lands some nice shoulder strikes and is grinding Jimmo out right now. Jimmo is trying to use the cage to escape and Te Huna drags him away, landing some nice elbows and punches. Jimmo is trying to shrimp back up but he's getting mauled right now.

Score: 10-9 Te Huna, 29-28 Te Huna

Official Result: Te Huna wins via unanimous decision (29-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Round 2:

Jimmo comes out a bit more safety first this round as looking to a land a big kick again instead of getting a brawl. Te Huna goes for a single and tries a lift, Jimmo counters beautifully and tries to grab one of his own off a body lock. Te Huna fights off and gets a body lock, slamming Jimmo to the ground. Lands in side control as he's looking to shrimp his way up. Jimmo is looking for a bridge and to shrimp his way back up but Te Huna is doing a first rate job of keeping him there. Te Huna looks to move into the mounted crucifix and then quickly moves into mount, Jimmo moves into deep half as Te Huna is landing some short elbows on him. Te Huna with some nice elbows and some big rights as Jimmo is just trying to survive right now. Te Huna is grinding him down as Te Huna finishes the round with some nice ground and pound off a posture.

Score: 10-9 Te Huna, 19-19 even

Round 1:

Te Huna comes out and grabs the clinch and Jimmo is against the fence quickly. Some knees are exchanged as Leon Roberts is already warning them to stay busy. And a break a short while later and Jimmo lands a big left kick, Te Huna is taking a beating as Jimmo is teeing off on him. Te Huna is bleeding as Jimmo is landing strikes out of full guard. Te Huna gets back up and goes for a guillotine, Jimmo drops hit right back to the ground for some ground and pound. Jimmo passes into side control off a failed armbar from bottom by Te Huna and Jimmo is landing some big shots. Te Huna eventually gets back into full guard and lands some nice elbows off his back. Round ends as Jimmo stays in Te Huna's full guard.

Score: 10-9 Jimmo

Che Mills vs Matthew Riddle

Round 3:

Mills lands some nice strikes to start as Riddle goes for the takedown but can't finish. Riddle is in full brawl mode for a short while as he and Mills start throwing down. Riddle isn't looking for a level change for a short while but sets up a single leg off a beautiful right hook, Mills against the cage. Mills is defending well and we're back into the clinch against the cage. Mills gets off the cage and Riddle is still clinging to that clinch. Whizzer from Mills and he can't finish it up as Riddle is still on him tight. Riddle gets between his legs and tosses him off, getting the takedown and Mills pulls full guard. Riddle moves to half guard and is landing ground and pound right now. He's embracing the grind against Mills and Mills is just hanging on for dear life right now. Riddle goes for a kimura but can't finish, Mills sweeps him and gets top position with a minute to go. We get a stand up with 30 seconds left as Riddle tried to taunt him to go back to the ground. And Riddle goes for a single with 20 seconds left and we end the fight against the cage.

Score: 10-9 Riddle, 30-27 Riddle

Official Result: Riddle wins via split decision (29-28, 28-29, 30-27)

Round 2:

Mills opens up with some striking and Riddle grabs a single leg, big sweep and Riddle slams Mills to the ground. Riddle lands in north/south and is looking for a north/south choke. Mills is defending well and Riddle gives up on it for side control. Some knees to the body as this is grind time 101 for Riddle. Mills is just clinging on, hoping for a stand up, as Riddle looks to move to mount as Mills is fighting him off. Riddle with some little strikes, landing in volume. Riddle is grinding him right now, landing enough to keep him there but nothing of massive significance. Mills tries to shrimp up but Riddle defends but has half guard at least. Riddle is looking to move to mount and gets there with 70 seconds. Mills gives up his back trying to scramble as Riddle has a body triangle, looking for a choke. 30 seconds left and he grabs an arm triangle loosely, using it to set up short hammer fists. He rides it out as the round ends.

Score: Riddle 10-9, 20-18 even

Round 1:

Riddle gets booed pretty loudly and he seems to like it. The guy does have a bit of a love/hate relationship with Britain.

Riddle opens with some stand up but shoots quickly for a single. Mills is defending well as Riddle gets him up against the cage. Lets it go and to the clinch. He really works for that takedown against the cage and finally gets it 90 seconds in. Mills is looking to wall walk his way back up and does as Riddle can't cut him off. Mills gets away and back tot he middle of the cage. Mills with some kicks and Riddle drags him down with a single. Mills pops back up against the cage and Riddle doesn't like what he sees, back to the middle. Wild exchange and Riddle goes to the body lock, Mills against the cage. Riddle tries to drag him down again but Mills is defending well. He switches to a double and Riddle finally gets it. Mills is in butterfly guard and Riddle is looking to pass to side control. Mills is keeping him in half guard with 20 seconds left. Riddle works the body and lands some short elbows to end the round.

Score: 10-9 Riddle

Terry Etim vs Renee Forte

Round 3:

Forte comes out the aggressor again as Etim is trying to use his length to keep him at range. Forte is landing some big strikes as he's moving straight back, not using any angle to keep him from landing. Forte backs him into the cage as he lands some nice strikes. Break from the ref and Forte opens a nice superman punch. Etim is eating a considerable amount of punishment as Forte is throwing for the fences still. Forte gets him against the cage as he works a body lock once again. Goes for a trip and can't get it, goes for it a second time and does as Etim is an open full guard. Forte postures up and lands some nice shots, dives back into full guard and presses Etim's head against the cage. Etim is looking for mission control but Forte is is keeping him from being able to do anything. Beautiful top position control. He's looking to land strikes as Etim is just playing defense from the bottom. He postures up and is landing some nice strikes.
Round ends as Etim isn't looking for any offense.

Score: 10-9 Forte, 30-27

Official Result: Forte wins via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)

Round 2:

Etim out more aggressive using his jab as Forte is eating punishment to get in close. Etim with the Thai clinch but Forte presses back against the cage. Forte working for the takedown off the body lock and using a foot sweep by Etim is defending well. Forte is landing some nice strikes but Etim reverses and back out to the middle of the cage. Forte with a nice right and Etim is hurt. Forte is head hunting and a big left puts him down. Etim is eating some punishment as he recovers into half guard. He grabs on tight to try and recover as Forte looks to move to mount. Forte is raining strikes as Etim looks to use a butterfly sweep as Forte looks to pass. He gets into side control as Etim is playing defense at this point. Forte moves into mount and Etim is taking some punishment. Round ends before he can finish it.

Score: Forte 10-9. 20-18

Round 1:

Forte comes out with a superman punch as he's super amped for this fight. Etim with a nice head kick to calm him down as Forte is eating some kicks for his aggressiveness. Forte is looking to throw something big but Etim is hitting him at distance with kicks. Forte catches a kick and lands some nice punches, goes for a takedown and winds up against the cage. Etim is defending well because of his length advantage. Forte isn't doing much with position as he's just content to trade knees so far. Etim gets some separation and back to the middle of the cage. Forte is being aggressive to prevent Etim for pressing the advantage with his length. Forte catches his leg and tries to get the takedown again, Etim counters well but winds up with his back against the cage. Forte with a nice inside elbow and Etim gets back to the center of the cage. Spinning kick from Etim and Forte gets him down, Etim back up fairly quickly. Round ends with the two against the cage.

Score: Forte 10-9

Paul Sass vs Danny Castillo

Round 3:

Sass comes out throwing wilder as he's looking for a killshot to win. Castillo is willing to oblige him as neither guy looks to be going for the ground. Castillo thinks he's up two rounds and Sass looks like he needs the finish. Castillo double legs him down 90 seconds in and lands some a couple of nice elbows out of full guard. Sass is looking to grab a submission off his back but Castillo's submission defense is established right now; he knows not to overextend and to move back into guard as soon as Sass looks like he's about do something. This is a grind and Castillo is embracing it. Sass uses butterfly guard to go for a triangle, Castillo evades and moves into north/south with 90 seconds left. He moves into side control and looks to be grinding him out with some elbows. He grinds out the round this was way as Sass looks frustrated on the bottom as the round ends.

Score: 10-9 Castillo, 30-27 Castillo

Official Result: Castillo wins via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

Round 2:

Sass with a beautiful switch kick as he goes for the ground and Castillo is willing to oblige him. Sass looks to work for mission control but can't finish, winds up back in full guard. Castillo with some nice elbows as Sass is goading him into throwing out of his posture to work for a submission out of it. He grabs an armbar but Castillo slams him out of it again. Castillo stands and Sass sits up, back into full guard for Sass.

And we get a stand up, baffling one to boot.

Castillo plants him back down to the ground again and back to where we were before. Sass is looking to work for something off his back and Castillo is grinding him out of full guard. Castillo is doing a good job of watching his posture as Sass isn't able to set up submission attempts because he's watching how he throws from full guard much better than he did. Castillo postures up and lands some nice hammer fists at the end of the round.

Score: Castillo 10-9, 20-18

Round 1:

Sass comes out looking for a takedown, big right lands and Castillo goes for a takedown. Sass lands a triangle standing and Castillo is against the cage. Castillo SLAMS him down to earth and Sass nearly finishes it. Castillo out but Sass goes for a footlock, scramble and we're out. Castillo in top position and Sass with another triangle attempt, slams him out again and into half guard after some punches. Castillo is looking to pass and Sass is looking to set up another submission attempt. Castillo lets up and Sass nearly grabs another leg lock from the sweep. Castillo postures up and Sass is looking for that triangle again. Another and Castillo stands out, dives back in and Sass grabs another leglock that doesn't finish. This is some beautiful grappling work from the bottom by Sass. He grabs it again as Castillo postures up, Castillo rolls out and lands some nice ground and pound. Castillo's submission defense is sublime right now. Castillo is landing some beautiful elbows up top and Sass goes for yet another leglock. Time expires before he can finish it.

Score: Castillo 10-9

Andy Ogle vs Josh Grispi

Round 3:

Grispi comes out landing some nice kicks but Ogle is stepping in and countering with some beautiful boxing. Lead left kick to the liver from Ogle and Grispi is hurt. Ogle chases him down and slams him to the ground, Grispi goes for a guillotine and can't finish it. He's in full guard and Ogle is content to work out of it. He's got Grispi's head against the cage and he's in the best spot you can be on top. Ogle is using some shoulder strikes to keep him right where he wants to be. I think right now Grispi just broke as he looks defeated on bottom. Ogle postures up with some nice strikes as Grispi looks to scramble out. Grispi is looking to roll for an armbar but Ogle sees it and passes to the side. Some nice knees to the body from Ogle. Grispi rolls to his stomach and Ogle with a leg ride and some right hands. Grispi back to his feet but Ogle just drags him back to the ground. Ogle is just dominating him as the round ends; Grispi has absolutely nothing for him and just wants to survive to the end. Which he does with Ogle in his guard.

Score: 10-8 Ogle, 29-27 Ogle

Official Result: Ogle wins via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)

Round 2:

Ogle comes out with the aggressor this round as Grispi is willing to stand and trade. A nice left hook from Ogle as this has turned into a kick boxing match early. Ogle with both hooks and Grispi tries to throw him, Ogle counters and he's got Grispi's back. Grispi slams him onto his back but Ogle transitions his legs into full back mount. Beautiful ground work from the Brit there. Ogle's got three minutes, deep hooks and is in the perfect spot against the cage to grab a submission. Ogle is trying for a body lock but Grispi uses his legs to stop him and prevent him from putting in the right hook again. Ogle is content to land some strikes and grabs full back mount again. Grispi tries to roll out and manages to get onto his back as Ogle grabs top position and half mount. Ogle is looking to move into side control and lands some nice elbows. Grispi tries to stand up and a nice guard pass from Ogle. Ogle grabs back as Grispi stands, his head near the mat as Ogle is going for a rear naked choke. Round ends as both fighter ride out the clock.

Score: Ogle 10-9, 19-19 even

Round 1:

Grispi coming out super aggressive to start the round and Ogle is willing to oblige. Grispi with a beautiful throw and we're in a wild ground scramble. Ogle is defending well as Grispi goes form a triangle to an omoplata and a back crucifix and then back to a triangle. Ogle slams him down but Grispi has him tighter because of it. Grispi is looking to grab a leg and roll him through it and Ogle is doing a great job stacking him against the cage. It's the only reason why Grispi hasn't tapped him yet. Ogle is landing some nice strikes from the top as his is free and teeing off on Grispi's head against the cage. Ogle is landing some beautiful strikes despite being trapped in that triangle. Ogle is making him pay for this deep submission attempt. He eventually loses it after going for a kimura and Ogle is on top in full guard. This is perfect positioning as he's right against the cage, landing enough strikes to keep him honest. Grispi is going for a kimura off his back but Ogle is defending it well. Against the cage some more and the round ends.

Score: Grispi 10-9

Tom Watson vs Stanislav Nedkov

Round 2:

Watson comes out gauging distance with leg kicks. Nedkov lands a big right and some big punishment. Nedkov with a double leg, Watson back up and Nedkov little brothers him back down with another double. Nedkov is getting mean with his ground and pound right now. Watson back up but Nedkov keeps him down as he's landing some big strikes on Watson right now. He's up a third time and back against the cage, back into the Thai clinch. Nedkov looks gassed right now as Watson is landing some big knees. Nedkov with a nice combination and then the takedown, Watson back up but Nedkov drags him back down.

What a fight so far!

Watson back to his feet one more time and he's looking for the clinch again. Nice knee standing up and back to the Thai clinch. Some nasty knees land and Nedkov goes back to the takedown. Watson defends and some more Thai clinch work. Short elbows and knees and Nedkov is taking a beating. He looks like he's about to go down as Watson is punishing him in that clinch. 30 seconds left and Watson is pouring it on with some body shots.

Official Result: Ref jumps in at 4:42 of the second round as Tom Watson wins via TKO.

Round 1:

Watson comes out throwing and Nedkov to the clinch and Watson presses him against the cage. Watson is landing some nice knees tot he midsection as Nedkov isn't doing all that much. He's landing short uppercuts and the occasional knee but Watson is pushing the pace. Watson is landing some nice short elbows with some nice strikes to the body. He's tearing him up out of the Thai clinch as Nedkov is taking a beating. Watson is working that really effectively as Nedkov seems baffled. Nedkov is trying to return fire but as soon as he does Watson grabs the clinch and is landing some big time knees and short elbows. Watson's striking looks crisp right now; this is the British prospect that people were excited to see in the cage. It's shocking that Nedkov hasn't tried to go all in with a takedown attempt. He seems to be happy in the clinch but Watson is just teeing off on him. Watson backs off and Nedkov gets a beautiful takedown out of a body lock and Nedkov is just teeing off on him. Watson is eating punishment and Nedkov ends the round teeing off on him.

Score: 10-10 ... Watson made him eat a lot of punishment but Nedkov nearly had him finished with strikes at the end of the round.

Vaughan Lee vs Motonobu Tezuka

Round 3:

MT comes out significantly slower than he did in the first two rounds. Goes for a pair of takedowns; first defended easily but gets Lee deep on the second and against the cage. Lee's takedown defense against the cage is stellar and he lands a couple knees to the body. MT backs out as Lee started peppering the body with some strikes. But back to the same as MT is deep on a single. Lee is landing some nice elbows as he defends it. Not a lot of action as MT drops the leg and works the clinch against the cage. Lee is significantly more active as he's landing more strikes. We get a break and back to the middle of the cage. MT looks gassed as Lee is moving significantly faster. MT gets the single against the cage yet again and Lee is defending. Lee is landing a lot of strikes and eventually MT backs out. Nice combination and MT dives in for the single, back against the cage with 30 seconds left. Round ends as MT keeps going for the takedown but can't finish it.

Score: Lee 10-9, 29-28 Lee

Official Result: Lee wins via unanimous decision (30-27. 30-27, 30-27)

Round 2:

MT comes out going for broke to get the takedown but Lee stops him and MT pulls guard off it. Lee into half guard and he's uncorking some damage. MT rolls for a knee bar and Lee defending well. Lee gets back up and MT double legs him right back down. MT works his ground game and Lee is showing some solid submission defense. He wall walks his way back up and he gets out with 70 seconds or so left in the round. Lee with some nice strikes and MT with another single, some more solid takedown defense from Lee. He rolls for that knee bar again but Lee stops him, back to our feet and against the cage as the round ends.

Score: Tezuka 10-9, 19-19 even

Round 1:

Not a lot of action to start as both guys are a little tentative. Neither go is throwing that much as MT Goes for the takedown out of the clinch and Lee lands some nice strikes in the clinch. He tries to get away but MT is on him tight. MT is looking to go for a slam but Lee is using good hand positioning to keep him from getting low. He keeps up by moving to a whizzer and MT moves back out. Lee with a nice combination and MT goes for the takedown, back against the cage. He's looking for a high crotch single and Lee is defending MT's pipe running well. MT is trying to drag the leg across his body while putting it between his legs and Lee is keeping to the outside and pressuring him. Lee is landing significantly while in the clinch as MT is willing to take punishment to get that takedown. Ref break and back to the takedown as Lee uses some great takedown defense to keep him off. Round ends against the cage as MT can't finish the takedown.

Score: Lee 10-9 ... but nearly a 10-10. Neither guy landed much and MT was more active but couldn't finish a takedown to save his life.

Phil Harris vs Ulysses Gomez

Round 3:

Harris comes out more aggressive again as Gomez is a bit tentative with his striking. Harris is looking to uncork something big and Gomez goes for the clinch and we're against the cage, Harris circle out and back to the center. Gomez isn't going as deep as he should on his takedown attempts; he's not committing fully and Harris is able to keep his hips underneath Gomez as he comes in. Very difficult to get the takedown that way. Gomez is also bleeding. Gomez is circling away from Harris as Harris is landing some nice combinations. Another flying knee goes nowhere; Gomez is looking to counter with some big and Harris is pressuring him just enough to keep him honest. Another leg kick gets caught as Harris has figured that part of Gomez's game out. Harris is landing some nice body shots right now as well. Gomez is looking to keep Harris' hands up and go for a takedown, glancing shot from Harris and Gomez stumbles down. Harris is content to stand and back to our feet. Harris pressures him for the final 30 seconds as Gomez doesn't do much to counter.

Score: Harris 10-9, 29-28 ... but could see this going the other way as well. We're looking at potentially a split decision, probably, depending on how you scored the first two rounds.

Official Result: Harris wins via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

Round 2:

Harris comes out with more movement to start the round. Both guys have found range and here's where the adjustments begin. Gomez is landing some leg kicks to that lead leg but he's not going as deep into it. Harris is finding range and is making Gomez adjust; he's still not landing as much in volume like Gomez but he's connecting more. Gomez is starting to mix it up with combinations and Harris landing some nice jabs and mixing in some kicks of his own. Harris is moving forward and keeping Gomez from throwing those leg kicks; he catches one at two minutes and lands a nice combination out of it. Harris is starting to throw more overhands and hooks; Gomez with a nice double attempt but Harris stops it and lands a nice knee out of the clinch. The pace is starting to pick up a bit more as Gomez lands a nice flying knee with less than a minute to go, misses another about 10 seconds to go. Gomez throws another leg kick that gets caught and Harris makes him up across the cage for a moment as time expires.

Score: Harris 10-9, 19-19 even

Round 1:

Both guys come out a little tentative, Gomez working distance with some leg kicks. Gomez is using leg kicks and landing flush as Harris comes forward throwing. And he goes inside a bit too high and Harris just got hit in his tea & crumpets 90 seconds in and we're taking a short break. Gomez back to using that strategy of working distance, landing kicks until Harris catches one and takes Gomez down. Harris lands some strikes but doesn't want to get into a ground war, letting him stand back up. Harris is adjusting to the leg kicks by trying to catch them and step in, throwing right hands. Gomez is landing and now Harris is making him tentative at throwing those kicks. Harris is trying to work his boxing game but Gomez's footwork is superb right now; as soon as he starts to throw he's backing out and Harris isn't landing. Gomez goes for a single as the the round ends and a whizzer attempt by Harris winds up empty as Gomez finishes the takedown at the buzzer.

Score: Gomez 10-9

Main Card
Renan Barao vs Michael McDonald
Cub Swanson vs Dustin Poirier
Jimi Manuwa vs Cyrille Diabate
Gunnar Nelson vs Jorge Santiago
James Te Huna vs Ryan Jimmo
Che Mills vs Matthew Riddle

Online Prelims
Terry Etim vs Renee Forte
Paul Sass vs Danny Castillo
Andy Ogle vs Josh Grispi
Tom Watson vs Stanislav Nedkov
Vaughan Lee vs Motonobu Tezuka
Phil Harris vs Ulysses Gomez


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