Georges St-Pierre to train with Sage Northcutt, Friday at TriStar gym
Since winning his UFC debut earlier this month in just 57 seconds, lightweight Sage Northcutt has elicited comparisons to retired former welterweight champion Georges St-Pierre.
Both are physical specimens with explosive talent inside the cage and trained politeness in conversation outside of it. On Thursday, however, Northcutt was compared to GSP by someone who ought to know -- St-Pierre's long-time friend and head coach, Firas Zahabi.
Northcutt is visiting Zahabi's TriStar gym in Montreal, this week, and according to the coach, Sage and his fighting hero St-Pierre will train together on Friday.
"We all had dinner the first night," Zahabi told FOXSports of him, Georges, Sage and others.
"Georges couldn't make it to practice that day because he had sponsorship engagements, but [Friday] we are all going to train together."
Zahabi has been immediately bowled-over by Northcutt and his father and trainer Mark. "I love the kid," he said.
"He's such a sweet kid. His dad is amazing. We've been exchanging training ideas, working together. It's such a great fight. He reminds me of Georges, a lot."
Although Northcutt's talent is undeniable, he has undoubtedly been pushed into the UFC pretty early. In fact, he's one of the all-time youngest fighters to ever compete in the top MMA promotion.
Even so, Zahabi believes that the 19-year-old can make an immediate impact in the UFC. "Oh yeah," he said, bluntly.
"His father is a master trainer. He's an elite trainer, and has been training his son since he was a baby. Sage is young, but he has a lot of experience. That's an understatement. His dad has done a great job of grooming him, from fitness to martial arts."