Wales star's parents will miss his brother's wedding for Euro semifinal

Wales' incredible surprise run at Euro 2016 continues to cause excruciating scheduling conflicts for those who are making it all possible.
Last week, Wales left back Neil Taylor lamented having to miss out on a Beyonce concert due to their quarterfinal clash against Belgium falling on the same night. Now, thanks to Wales beating Belgium to extend their stay in France even longer, fellow Dragons defender Chris Gunter is about to have some serious FOMO of his own.
Gunter won't be able to attend his brother Marc's wedding in Mexico on Thursday, as it's the day after Wales are playing their Euro semifinal vs Portugal.
Gunter revealed that he will be tuning into the ceremony via Skype to deliver his Best Man speech -- technology is a wonderful thing -- but also said that Wales' stunning win over Belgium has created a huge family dilemma. His and Marc's parents ultimately had to decide which son's life-changing event to attend. Football won.
"Mum is a bit upset at having to choose. It has caused chaos, "Gunter told the Mirror.
"You couldn't begin to imagine the trouble it's caused. I'm not sure what Marc will do if we make the final. He might be divorced by then."
Obviously, the wedding was planned well in advance when the possibility of Wales making the Euro semifinals was merely a pipe dream. Now that it's actually happened, we can't imagine a more difficult choice than what Gunter's parents had to make. But what was it that Liverpool's legendary manager Bill Shankly once said? "Football isn't a matter of life or death. It's much more important than that."
Touche, Bill. Touche.