Neymar pulled a Messi and bleached his hair blond

What do you do after you win your first Olympic gold medal? If you're Neymar, you get a new tattoo and then you bleach your hair a golden blond, obviously.
Yep, that is very blond. And it's very much like the dye job that Barcelona teammate Lionel Messi got after he finished his own summer tournament, Copa America:
It appears that bleaching your hair the brightest blond possible is just the en vogue thing to do after a major tournament, win or lose. Messi drew a lot of attention for his dye job and, well, it seemed like one of those bad life decisions you make when trying to forget that you've been found guilty of tax fraud and just lost your fourth chance at an international title. But Neymar is here to prove that the platinum look can be a celebratory decision, too.
It's not exactly a surprise from Neymar, who has had his share of out-there hairstyles over the years. He has gone with the blond look before, but it's never been such a blindingly white blond before. At this point, we'll take anything over the rat-tail mullet Neymar used to have:

Neymar has been granted a break after the Olympics and he won't re-join Barcelona until after World Cup qualifying, which begins next week. But assuming he doesn't switch up his hair by then, we'll see what Messi thinks of the Brazilian copying his new look.