Journalist apologizes after asking Schweinsteiger about World Cup possibilities with Chicago Fire

The journalist that drew criticism for a misguided question about Bastian Schweinsteiger helping lead the Chicago Fire to the World Cup has apologized for the slip-up. Derek Henkle, an AFP video journalist, said "I'm truly sorry if I offended anyone," in an email to The Telegraph.
During Schweinsteiger's introductory press conference on Wednesday, Henkle asked if a "World Cup goal for the Chicago Fire is a realistic expectation?" Of course, club teams aren't eligible to participate in the World Cup, leading to a large amount of confusion.
Henkle later clarified to The Telegraph that he had mistakenly said "World Cup" when he meant to say "Club World Cup," a trophy which club teams from around the world can compete for.
"I get that I named the wrong trophy and greatly appreciate Schweinsteiger attempting to clean up the question for me. It was a classy move," he said.
Henkle concedes that while the question might have caused an awkward situation, he's using it as a learning experience.
"My question missed its mark, but it has allowed me to become better educated on the ins and outs of soccer," he said.
"I report on everything ranging from presidential politics to science - and I'm the first to admit that I don't know everything, but I do ask."
So, that's that. The whole thing probably didn't warrant a full-blown apology, but it's a professional move from Henkle. Now, we have an explanation for the questions and, even better, a meme-able start to Schweinsteiger's Chicago Fire career.