Ultimate Fighting Championship
Ultimate Fighting Championship
Watch: Conor McGregor surprises fans impersonating him on street in Dublin
Mar. 4, 2020 11:45 p.m. ET
Sports Illustrated, Extra Mustard/Sports Illustrated via Extra Mustard
Two men were recently impersonating Conor McGregor on the street in Dublin, as one does when one is on the street in Dublin.
And then Conor McGregor showed up.
Here's what happened: Two young lads were staging a MMA–style fight on the sidewalk, crouching down and kicking in true McGregor fashion. One of them is wearing an ugly Christmas sweater. As the boys tussle—seemingly all in jest, we should note—a black SUV slowly pulls to a stop. One of the McGregor impersonators walks over to the window, and sees a certain Irishman in the passenger seat.
It's Conor McGregor!
It's a small world.
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