Watch as two hockey players end their vicious brawl with a high five

Sometimes, you just gotta get it out of your system. Just ask Joel Theriault and Gaby Roch.
The Quebecois semi-pro hockey players came to serious blows in a recent game.
The refs and audience watched on as the punches flew fast and furiously, both players grabbing the other's jersey to make mincemeat of their opponent.

Theriault and Roch circle each other, helmets off...

... before coming to blows.
And then ... the beef dissipated as quickly as it appeared. Theriault and Roch broke out into smiles and high-fived each other, embraced happily and gave aw-shucks head rubs before skating back to their respective sides, to the audience's exultant cheers.

Group hug.
Roch even clapped at the end, and there were apparently no hard feelings on either end. Guess all's well that ends well.

Good show.
Check out the full video below:
H/t For the Win.