Ultimate Fighting Championship
Ultimate Fighting Championship
Video: New Chevy cures road rage with Chuck Liddell option
Mar. 21, 2014 3:30 p.m. ET
For all of those times you get road rage but are too lazy to do anything about it, wouldn't it be cool if the car could take care of the situation for you?
Well, now, it can. At least as cooked up by the mind of Jimmy Kimmel. The late-night comedian noted that engineers in Sweden and France have developed technology that allows cars to sense the emotions of drivers. The idea is to make the ride safer for everyone on the road, although the execution of it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Kimmel had other ideas, which he put on display in this video.
As to the question of why Chuck Liddell needs a tire iron, we have no idea. Maybe it's for the assault victim's own good.
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