Rowdy Recaps: Bec Rawlings breaks down Episode 6

Before I begin I'd like you to Google 'Cabbage Patch Kid' just so you know what I'm talking about further down the page :)
So with Felice serving Hateher (I will no longer mention irrelevant persons name) up a big slice of humble pie, Team Pe*** retained control and picked Angela Magana vs. Aisling Daly. This was a fight I was really looking forward to, Magana is a really strong wrestler and was relentless in training so I was eager for her to get us on the winning board. We were a little worried about Aisling's weight and knew she was struggling with her diet and energy levels so we definitely felt like we had an advantage there and Magana was beasting in training.
This week Gil brought in his wrestling coach Travis Lee who is a former NCAA champion in both the 125lbs division and 133lbs. When Gil first introduced Travis to us he popped out from behind Gil like a little ninja and Rose had one of those moments where she said what she was thinking out loud and burst out with "OH WOW" and we all started laughing and teasing Rose as Travis stood their embarrassed. From that day onwards we would randomly burst out with an "OH WOW" in a valley girl accent just to embarrass Rose.
It was really cool to have Travis there working with us, he showed us some cool takedowns from back control and we had some intense training sessions with Gil, Jake, Num, Josh, Nate, Travis and Kron all working with us and fine tuning our skills.
Every day Rose and Magana would watch the sunset, they called it "sun gazing" apparently it's good for your soul or some s*** but I have the attention span of a goldfish so sun gazing wasn't my thing. Magana has had a tough life and goes into detail about some of it in this episode, it's truly heart wrenching and inspiring. I love how she channels it all into MMA and has really made something of the s***** hand she has been dealt and I think this is why us Skrapettes gravitated towards each other. We've all had some s***** cards but we keep on keeping on, we get each other. We are the same breed if you could call it that.
Team Melendez was back on track and drama free with Tecia gone, Hateher out with an "injury" and Lisa recovering from surgery, The Skrapettes were training hard even though we literally had less training partners than Team Pe*** had coaching staff LOL. You'd think with all their coaches and help Team Pe*** would be smooth sailing but they seemed to be a bit rattled with Tecia being on their team now and Aisling struggling with her weight and her energy levels. Aisling put it down to the heat in Vegas making her sick but we suspected something else and her team must of been worried enough to call in Dana to talk with her to make sure she was okay.
This weekend UFC Dublin was on so we got to watch it back at the house and low and behold some of the Team Pe*** coaches were at our house hanging out AGAIN. We were pretty sick of hearing this one guys voice, they called him "Biggie" and he was a bit of a loud mouth douche-lord that never shut up. Angela Hill can do a pretty good impersonation of him so hit her up on Facebook and demand a video! Other than that it was a good night of fights and it was cool to see Aisling enjoying the UFC and watching her teammates back home win their UFC debut's. I went to bed early to get away from all the yummy food that Aisling was devouring which was to my shock considering she was only a few days out from weigh ins.
Aisling ended up fainting in the bathroom the day of the weigh in, she stood up too quick and all the blood rushed to her head and out she went. Luckily, JoJo and a few of her other teammates were there to catch her and wake her up. I heard the commotion from my room and went for a sticky beak but by this time Aisling was rugged up sweating out still and laughing about what just happened, she is a crazy women I tell you.
It's D day fight day :) Our coach Josh Berkovic did this really cool visualizing thing with Magana before she walked out to fight, they only show a tiny snippet of it in the episode though. Magana lied down and completely relaxed, he then talked her step by step through what was going to happen next as she layed there visualizing it all. He described her walking out through the doors and past her team, hugging Gil, Jake, Num and himself, walking up the steps into the Octagon, the smell in the air, the texture of the canvas on her feet and then described the fight and her game plan with Magana finishing with her hand raised. It was pretty cool and different from anything I've ever seen or done before walking out to punch face.
Round one: Aisling came out swinging hard and Magana quickly tied her up and pushed her to the cage. They battled for position for a bit until Magana landed a nice outside leg trip to take the fight to the mat where Magana tried to sink in a rear naked choke multiple times but Aisling defended well keeping her chin tucked. Magana landed some nice ground and pound from back control while Aisling tried to shake Magana off her. Magana started to set up an armbar from back position and was slowing getting her self into position to really go for it when Pettis calls out "stand them up ref" and the Cabbage Patch Kid looking mo********** stood them up. I couldn't believe my eyes... that ref just stood them up when Magana was in a dominant position ON AISLING'S BACK and was going for a sub. I wanted to the climb the cage and kick that f***** in the balls! So they are back standing and both land some good combo's, Aisling then tied up with Magana and pushed her to the cage but Magana reversed her and went for a single leg takedown. Aisling countered with a kimura attempt and that stupid f****** ref keeps saying "stay busy" even though Aisling was attempting a sub and Magana was defending trying to take Aisling down. They eventually disengage and start throwing down again, then Magana shot in for another takedown and created a scramble to finish the round.
Round two: Aisling came out strong again, Magana landed a nice combo while backing up but Aisling just ate them and kept coming forward. Magana shot for a double leg and Aisling sprawled hard so Magana bailed and they exchanged a few more punches and tied up again. Both landed some knees before tying up again the cage, Magana then attempted a head and arm throw but gave her back up against the cage. Magana reversed again and they battled for position, Aisling then hit a single leg take down and got Magana to the mat but Magana quickly kicked Aisling away and scrambled to her knees and nearly into Aisling's guard but she got her hips out and took Magana's back and then side control. Magana scrambled and got to her feet and then went for another hip toss but gave her back up, Aisling got her hook in and dragged her to the mat but Magana reversed Aisling again. They scrambled and Aisling ended up on top landing some ground and pound and took Magana's back and tried for a rear naked choke but couldn't get it.
Round three: They both came out throwing bombs and both landed, Magana landed a clean head kick and Aisling just ate it like it was nothing, Magana tied up again but got her back taken, then Aisling dragged her to the ground and got her hooks in. Magana tripod-ed and tried to shake Aisling off but Aisling remained on top and flattened her out and landed some ground and pound. Magana tried to get to her knees but Aisling was just too strong and flattened her out again. Magana rolled to her back to try and escape from there but Aisling kept mount and landed some more ground and pound until Magana gave her back up again and got flattened once again. Aisling landed some more ground and pound until the ref stepped in and called it, Magana was just too tired to improve her position.
We headed back to the locker room pretty bummed, I was still pissed at that s*** ref for the horrible stand up and so was Magana. Gil tried to calm us down and I asked if I could at least kick him in the was a serious question ;) Magana was pretty upset and she had every right to be. It felt like every week Team Melendez one way or another got f***** by the refs or judges and we were once again in the losers corner waiting for Team Pe*** to pick the next fight.
Next week Thug Rose vs Alex Chambers, leaving me vs traitor last. Don't miss it :)