ColonFit: 42-year-old Bartolo Colon is the latest MLB player to reveal offseason training

During the 2015-16 MLB offseason, a lot of players have posted videos showing their workout regimens with a focus on the box jump.
Call it ColonFit. That "rope wave" workout is a popular CrossFit exercise and demands a lot of strength in a person's shoulders, arms and lower back. We look forward to seeing Colon back on the mound, but especially in the batter's box, come April.
You've seen the Trout tire workout and Hector Santiago kiss/push-up/sit-up combo. It's Bartolo Colon in the DR time!
— Jesse Sanchez (@JesseSanchezMLB) January 5, 2016
Give Bartolo Colon credit. He's 43 in May & is already grinding for 2016. He also runs an academy for teen prospects
— Jesse Sanchez (@JesseSanchezMLB) January 5, 2016
Elsewhere in MLB pitchers prepping for the season, we have Miami Marlins relief pitcher Carter Capps grinding out squats and box jumps wearing a high-altitude training mask while blasting music by Creed:
Getting ready for the season
— Carter Capps (@CarterCapps) January 5, 2016