50 Cent issues Floyd Mayweather a reading test along with #IceBucketChallenge

50 Cent issues Floyd Mayweather a reading test along with #IceBucketChallenge

Published Aug. 21, 2014 2:20 p.m. ET

50 Cent's #IceBucketChallenge video is only 14 seconds long, but he packed in a lot.

The rapper called out boxer Floyd Mayweather (a guy Fiddy's had some issues with in the past) to take the "ASL/ELS" challenge.

In addition to the requisite freezing cold shower, 50 offered to give $750,000 to the charity of Mayweather's choosing if the undefeated boxing champ could read one page of a Harry Potter book.


This appears to be one of a series of Mayweather trolls on 50's Instagram account

Oh, and 50 didn't even dump the bucket of ice water over his head.

Sadly, nothing in this article is made up.

UPDATE: 50 Cent posted another Instagram video saying Jimmy Kimmel has purportedly agreed to have Mayweather on his show reading a page from Dr. Seuss: 
