When this walk-on wins a scholarship, his Marquette teammates love it

When this walk-on wins a scholarship, his Marquette teammates love it

Published Jan. 15, 2016 11:14 p.m. ET

It doesn't take long to read Michael Mache's statistics for the Marquette basketball team. Since walking on last season, he has played in six games, totaling 14 minutes and three points while taking three shots.

But his teammates respect him enough that the senior was voted one of the captains this season. And that respect and affection are self-evident in the video below when he reads the announcement that he has been awarded a scholarship for his last semester.


We can be so cynical about college sports sometimes, but remember how most of the athletes aren't one-and-done stars and how a lot of them work really hard to play a sport they love even if they hardly ever leave the bench.

H/T: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

