Warren Buffett wishes his $1 billion bracket contest were easier

Warren Buffett's billion-dollar bracket challenge ended sooner than anticipated, with not one person surviving the first round of the 2014 NCAA tournament with a perfect bracket.
While the millions of contest participants were bummed they didn't add the hefty chunk of change to their bank accounts, they weren't the only ones who wished the suspense would have continued — at least through the round of 32.
"I would have preferred to see it go quite a bit longer," Buffett, who insured the Quicken Loans contest, said on Dan Patrick's radio show Monday. "Not all the way, but quite a bit longer."
Buffett, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, likely will get his wish. He said he'd like to have the contest again next year but with some tweaks that will make it easier for participants to win.
Buffett added that it's ultimately Quicken's decision to green-light the challenge next year, but he emphasized it will be easier to win, although he didn't provide further details.
"Wait till next year, though. I think we're going to come up with something better next year," Buffett said. "We'll make it a lot easier to enter. There were some questions that were a little tough, I thought. ... We'll make it easier to win, but I think we'll have an exciting prize."
What a nice billionaire.