UNC Greensboro receives 2 years of probation for violations

GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) UNC Greensboro's athletic programs received two years of probation Thursday after improperly certifying the initial eligibility of 57 athletes in 13 sports over six seasons.
The NCAA and the school announced the penalties, which include vacating wins in which ineligible players participated and paying a $5,000 fine.
The parties agreed that some athletes from 2007-13 practiced, competed or received athletic-related aid and travel expenses when the school had not certified their initial eligibility.
Also, from 2007-11, the school didn't require its athletic director or head coaches to review and sign squad lists and didn't keep them on file.
The sports involved were men's basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball, wrestling and both soccer, golf, track/cross-country and tennis programs.
School officials said the violations were inadvertent and most involved athletes not registering with the NCAA's eligibility center, not completing an amateurism certification questionnaire, not requesting certification for their specific sport, not submitting transcripts or test scores to the eligibility center or not requesting final amateurism certification.
Acting chancellor Dana Dunn said in a statement that ''at no time were any student-athletes admitted to UNCG improperly'' and that ''the NCAA has agreed that these violations did not constitute unethical conduct.''
School spokesman Matt McCollester said UNC Greensboro has 45 days to review the game results from those seasons, determine how many wins must be vacated and submit that total to the NCAA.
The school discovered and reported the violations and self-imposed sanctions that include the fine, the vacation of wins and one year of probation. The NCAA added the second year of probation, which will end in June 2017.