Eva Marie on WWE return, relationship with fans | "Out of Character"
By Ryan Satin
FOX Sports Analyst
What happens in Las Vegas usually stays there, but that doesn't apply to this week’s special "Out of Character" with guest Eva Marie.
The WWE star joined me for a night out in Sin City to discuss what prompted her return, why she enjoys working with Alexa Bliss, the relationship she has with Vince McMahon and more.
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Eva returned to WWE TV in May after being gone for nearly five years.
As you might expect for such a polarizing character, the WWE Universe had mixed reactions. Those who missed the former "Total Divas" star were thrilled see her back. Those who didn’t, however, made it known.
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"The Face of Monday Night Raw" has remained unperturbed by the negativity, though, for a fairly simple reason.
While speaking over an epic meal at Barry’s Downtown Prime in Las Vegas, the 36-year-old Superstar admitted that she enjoys getting any type of reaction from fans – positive or negative.
EVA: "First of all, I have to say, the WWE Universe, best fans in the world.
"They are die-hard. Whether they love you, hate you, whatever, it doesn't matter. The whole point of being a Superstar is putting smiles on kids, grown-ups, all ages, faces. But also, for me, maybe I'm not putting smiles, but I want them to feel something.
"Like, how cool, if I went to a show, I would remember this forever. If you're sitting in the front row or at least in that first section where you could actually engage with me, and I'm literally talking smack to you, you're talking smack to me, and I'm actually responding. You're going to remember that.
"You're going to walk away from that show and be like, ‘That show was awesome!’ Even if it’s like, ‘I hate Eva Marie,’ whatever, I don't care. As long as they're feeling something, that's the whole point.
"It's a soap opera on the largest stage, and we just happen to be these characters doing physicality as well.
"So it's kind of a crazy world, but that's the goal, and naming Piper ‘Doudrop’ – that's a ‘what the …’ moment. Just what in the world is she, ‘Who does she think she is?! Doudrop, how can she name her?!’ You know what I mean? Like, that's the whole point.
"That's really where it's at, and that's where social media is really fun and really cool. A way for me to interact with the WWE Universe and also, you know, ignite some things and continue the storylines and to kind of take things to another level and have people – whatever, if they want to get mad, get mad. Be salty dogs. It’s OK."
As for how her WWE return transpired, Eva said staying in communication with the people in charge and making it clear from day one that she would love to return at the right time were big factors.
Earlier this year, she and Vince McMahon decided it was time to pull the trigger on making it happen.
RS: How did your return come about? Did you call them, or did they call you?
EVA: "A lot of it was I always had a good relationship with Vince, [Stephanie McMahon] and [Triple H] just because of them giving me a shot at the very beginning.
"Then, when I left, I always was in contact with Vince a lot, with a lot of my projects that I was doing. Like, he was seeing whether it was a movie, TV or new endeavor business-wise and things of that nature. So we were always in conversation. I always was checking in and saying, ‘What's up?’
"Then the conversation kind of sparked last year, and it was one of those things where I had always said I want to come back when the time is right, and I always let him know that.
"That way, at any moment, at any time, there was never a thought like ‘she would never’ or ‘I don't even think that's a possibility for her to come back.’ I don't want to leave any stone unturned, so I always was very forward in letting him know, ‘Yes, I want to come back. You tell me when that seems the most appropriate or when it makes the most sense, and I'm there. You just tell me when that is.’
"So I threw that out there, and then he was like, ‘OK.’
"And I was, ‘LET’S GO!’"
Near the end of our four-course meal – which included an amazing seafood tower, delicious dover sole, bone-in ribeye and tater tots with poutine gravy to die for – Eva also talked about her goals for the future.
Surprisingly, they’re not too far off from how her character has been portrayed on TV these past few months.
RS: What are some of the goals you're looking to accomplish now that you're back?
EVA: "I think everything. I think the whole point of coming back is to really kind of come in and obviously stir up everything, which I feel I'm doing a pretty good job of.
"I saw that I was trending, I think it was yesterday or the day before, and the show wasn't even on or anything, but people were upset because I'm back and have a shirt and SummerSlam.
"That’s incredible. Like, that's incredible. I live for that. But coming back, my main goal with Doudrop is I want also to utilize my platform and put over talent on social and get eyes on them. If they're with me, they're going to get talked about, let's be honest. And I feel like Doudrop coming in is a perfect example.
"People love her. We know in the wrestling world who she was in NXT over in the UK, but then having her come over and pairing her with me. I kind of want to continue doing that with other talent as well.
"Plus, it's really cool for me to kind of see just how different it really is to be with somebody that it's also their first go – in the sense of on the main stage.
"It doesn't matter where you come from, in the sense of the indies, wrestling in NXT — everyone's going for the big show. The big shows are Monday Night Raw and Smackdown, and once you get there, you have no idea what's really going on.
"So it's cool to kind of be in a position where it's like, ‘Oh, I've been there, done that,’ and to help ease the way because no one did that for me.
"No one made my life easy at all! It was like this: ‘Where is your bag? Let me *boot* and send you out there and hope you fall on your face.’
"So I want to, like, do that with more talent, but also, at the same time, have awesome storylines, be on television, go for tag team titles, go for the main women’s title.
"If you're in the WWE and you're not going or chasing the gold, why are you in there? What are you going for? Then you're just striving to be, kind of, whatever. So obviously, that's definitely a goal of mine."
For more with Eva Marie, watch this week’s Out of Character.
Ryan Satin is a WWE analyst for FOX Sports. Satin previously appeared on FS1's "WWE Backstage" and founded Pro Wrestling Sheet, where he broke countless news stories as editor-in-chief.