Westminster Kennel Club agility competition results
NEW YORK — A border collie named Trick has won the Westminster Kennel Club agility contest with a flash of a run through a canine obstacle course.
Trick topped a field of 50 finalists to take the title Saturday night with her owner and handler, John of Pascoag, Rhode Island.
A former shelter dog named Crush won a separate title for the top mixed-breed dog in the competition. She's owned and handled by Aryn Hervel of American Canyon, California.
The animals complete on a timed course of jumps, tunnels, ramps and other obstacles. Handlers guide them with hand and verbal signals.
Overall, the competition included over 300 dogs, ranging from a pug to a Bernese mountain dog.
Agility is an increasingly popular sport for dogs. Westminster added it in 2014.
The 2017 results.
The complete Westminster TV and streaming schedule.