UFC on FUEL TV preliminary bouts

Brad Tavares vs. Dongi Yang
Round 1
Final fight of the prelims is underway with a touch of gloves. Tavares with a quick outside leg kick. Body kick from the veteran of "The Ultimate Fighter." Yang looking patient, but takes a leg kick. He throws one back. Tavares with another kick to the body. Yang attempts to catch Tavares' next kick, but fails. Inside leg kick lands for Yang. Tavares moves forward with a combination. Tavares with a body kick, but it is caught by Yang. Yang with a big punch, but Tavares with a vicious counter. Yang moves forward, but does little. Tavares with a pair of jabs that come up short. Midway through the opening round. Overhand left misses for Yang, and Tavares comes back with a combination, but he, too, misses. Tavares is hesitant on his kicks. Pause in action due to an eye poke to Yang. They touch gloves and Tavares bows, apologizing. The official stops the fight again, but they restart after Yang assures him that he is fine. Yang comes forward with several kicks, but the action is stopped again due to a poke, this time to the eye of Tavares. The crowd boos, as Tavares attempts to recover. They restart again with under 90 seconds in the round. Tavares with a long straight right. Yang engages, but eats a combo. He thinks head kick, but decides against it. Tavares with another kick. Yang presses forward, and Tavares clinches, pressing his opponent against the cage. Inside knee from Tavares. He is putting all his weight on Yang, who does well to turn Tavares. Knee from Yang, as the round comes to a close.
Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Tavares.
Round 2
Prior to the round, cageside doctor checks on Tavares, who says he is seeing double. The doctor says he could stop the fight, but Tavares says his vision is fine. Touch of gloves to start the round. Tavares with a combo, but Yang's counter punching keeps him at bay. Head kick from Yang just misses, and Tavares fires back with a straight right. Tavares misses with a combination, then checks a leg kick. Front kick lands for him. Yang with a front kick of his own, but his lands flush. Tavares comes back with a flurry, but doesn't land. Action slows again. Yang with a nice counter to a Tavares combo. Yang presses forward again, landing shots here and there. Tavares with a vicious left hook counter. His right eye is clearly giving him problems. Body kick blocked by Yang. Yang clinches, pressing Tavares against the cage. 90 seconds to go in the round. Yang gets the takedown, but Tavares is right back up, pressing his opponent into the cage now. Knees from Tavares. Judo toss goes nowhere, as both fighters end up back on the feet. Head kick misses for Tavares, as the round ends.
Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Yang.
Round 3
Nice exchange early from the fighters, and Tavares rushes forward with a takedown attempt. He has Yang down, but nearly gets reversed. Yang back up for a moment, but Tavares drags him back down. Yang again tries to stand, only to get slammed down to the mat once more. Yang gets back to his knees, but the official stands them up. Nice front kick to the body from Tavares. Midway point of the round, and Tavares has the edge in this frame. Inside leg kick from Yang is checked. Inside leg kick lands to the groin of Yang, and Tavares immediately apologizes. Break ends, and Tavares shoots off a combo, ending with a high kick that misses the mark. Kick lands for Yang to the body of Tavares. Then an inside leg kick. He blocks a head kick from Tavares, who looks takedown, but quickly disengages. 60 seconds to go in the round. Fighters struggling to land. Tavares with a kick, and Yang wraps him up, earning the takedown after the bell.
Official decision: Tavares def. Yang via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Cody McKenzie vs. Marcus LeVesseur
Round 1
LeVesseur immediately takes this fight to the floor, finding himself in side control. He lets McKenzie up, and there is a break in action due to a groin strike. And we're back. McKenzie with a high kick. LeVesseur misses with a big uppercut, but McKenzie falls to his back. He's up, but LeVesseur with a vicious uppercut, and McKenzie is down again. LeVesseur has a front choke, as McKenzie stands. McKenzie back to the floor, rolling into half guard nicely. Butterfly guard for McKenzie. He has double underhooks. He lands palm strikes to his opponent's head. He postures up and is looking for a guillotine choke. LeVesseur is letting him work here. This would be simply unreal if he could win another via guillotine. McKenzie rolls LeVesseur over and forces a tap. LeVesseur gave that fight away, but props to McKenzie and his incredible guillotine choke. He had a lot of time to work it and took full advantage.
Official decision: McKenzie def. LeVesseur via submission (guillotine choke) at 3:05 of Round 1
TJ Grant vs. Carlo Prater
Round 1
Fight underway with a touch of gloves. Prater looking to change levels on the feet, landing his jab. Leg kick lands for Grant. Fans are quite silent thus far. Fighters exchange leg kicks. Prater with a leg kick, but Grant counters with one of his own. Inside leg kick from Prater. Grant looks to tie his opponent up, but Prater pushes away. Grant works a punch to the head into a combination. Grant ties Prater up again and nearly earns the takedown, but Prater defends very nicely. Knees from Grant, pressing Prater up against the cage. Prater turns Grant around and appears to have the double underhooks. Grant sneaks hi arm under Prater's and is able to push away. Prater with a long pair of jabs, but it only leads to another linch. They break away from one another yet again. Ninety seconds to go in the opening round. Nice combination from Grant. Prater with a weak inside leg kick. Praterlooks for the takedown, but gets caught in a guillotine. Grant lets it go, throwing a knee. He looks for the toss and gets it. Prater rolls for a knee bar, but Grant escapes and lands on top. He is in half guard. Grant moves to side control, but the round comes to a close.
Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Grant.
Round 2
Referee Mario Yamasaki gets the second frame started, and Prater lands an inside leg kick. Grant presses forward with a combination, landing a right. He comes forward again and clinches. Grant looking for the takedown, but Prater defends nicely. His back is up against the cage, however, and Grant is landing knees. Grant with a vicious elbow upon breaking. He enters back into the clinch, and Prater is pressed against the cage. Another elbow from Grant lands, who is looking for the takedown now. Another knee lands for him. Prater is struggling in the clinch. Grant with a nice combination after they separate. Grant with a straight right and a leg kick combo. Prater is far too hesitant on the feet. He fights his way back into the clinch with another combination. Prater turns him around and presses Grant against the cage. Grant looks takedown, but Prater hops back up immediately. Grant once again clinches, working more knees to the body. They separate. Grant moving forward again, once again getting the clinch. Prater looking takedown. Grant grabs onto another guillotine, but lets it go in order to earn the takedown. Grant looking to pass. Side control for Grant. He moves to crucifix, and Prater is stuck in a very bad position. Grant has options, but little time. Ten seconds. Prater escapes and reverses as the round comes to a close.
Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Grant.
Round 3
Leg kick from Grant to begin the third round. Prater with a right cross. Grant comes forward with a vicious left hook from a combination. Prater fakes a shot, but lands a decent combo. They briefly clinch, but Grant pushes away. Fighters trade shots, but neither lands anything with power. Grant shoots in for a takedown and earns it. Prater grabs onto a guillotine, but Grant is fine. Grant moves to side control, and Prater holds onto the choke. Grant pushes out and is looking for mount. Prater forces him back to half guard and scrambles. Grant maintains control, taking the back. Grant looks for a twister briefly, but instead rolls into side control. Terrific transition to mount with 90 seconds to go. Prater tries to shake his opponent, but gives up his back. Prater rolls again and is out. North-South position for Grant, but he moves to the back again. Strikes from Grant, but Prater is up. Grant slams him right back down. Twenty seconds to go. Grant looks for an armbar. It's close, but the round expires. Grant earns a big victory and put on quite a clinic against his underdog opponent.
Official decision: Grant def. Prater via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Rafael dos Anjos vs. Kamal Shalorus
Round 1
Touch of gloves to kick this lightweight bout off. No strikes thrown throughout first 15 seconds, but Shalorus breaks the drought with a right that misses. He lunges forward with a combo that comes up short. Uppercut from dos Anjos. He throws a head kick, and Shalrous grabs it, but fails to earn the takedown. Head kick lands for dos Anjos, dropping Shalorus. Brutal shots from the top, and the official screams at the Brazilian to watch his shots to the back of the head. Dos Anjos takes the back of his opponent. He traps an arm with his leg and sinks in the rear naked choke. Shalorus struggles, but is ultimately forced to tap. Great stuff from dos Anjos.
Official decision: Dos Anjos def. Shalorus via submission (rear naked choke) at 1:40 of Round 1
Jeff Curran vs. Johnny Eduardo
Round 1
Eduardo in the blue, Curran in the red. Eduardo staying well away from his opponent, as Curran keeps a very low striking stance. "Big Frog" is no doubt looking for a takedown. Eduardo with a hook. He lands a strong leg kick just after. Curran throwing long punches, attempting to stay out of range. Fighters trade at the same time, but neither seem to land flush. Another kick lands for Eduardo. Inside leg kick lands for Curran. His side kick comes up short. Curran lands a right and does well to get out of the way of a counter. He does not have similar success on the next combination. Spinning kick from Eduardo is blocked. Backfist misses for Curran, but he avoids the counter. Two minutes to go in the opening frame. Curran has his hands low. He likely is trying to coax Eduardo into striking first, as he has countered the majority of the contest. Eduardo with a kick to the leg again. Body kick from Curran, but it doesn't have much behind it. Another leg kick for Eduardo, and Curran seems to be feeling each one. Eduardo comes forward with a combination. 10 seconds to go. Eduardo with one last leg kick, until next round, that is.
Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Eduardo.
Round 2
Eduardo lands a leg kick, followed by another, and Curran is definitely feeling them. The veteran needs to find a way out of the striking game. Another leg kick from Eduardo. Curran comes up short on a pair of side kicks. And a third. Eduardo's combination is blocked, but lands a leg kick. Another combo blocked by Curran. Eduardo is looking much more eager to engage.They exchange, but both fighters miss. Two minutes down in the round. Curran has his hands low again, but takes another leg kick, and another. Curran misses with a side kick. Curran lands a right, but Eduardo with a combination to counter. Curran thinks head kick, but pulls back. Still no takedowns from Curran, but he does land a nice right. Eduardo again counters nicely. Kick from Eduardo checked. 90 seconds to go in the frame. Eduardo lands another leg kick, and Curran almost catches it, but Eduardo pulls away. Big right misses for Curran. Eduardo presses forward with a combo, finishing with a leg kick. Nice left hook lands for Curran. He shoots in for a takedown, but Eduardo dodges. Curran checks a leg kick as the round comes to a close.
Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Eduardo.
Round 3
Final round underway, and Eduardo immediately lands a leg kick. Curran still pressing forward, but another leg kick lands for his opponent. Curran with a big right hook that misses. Overhand right from Curran into a takedown attempt, but Eduardo pushes away. Curran just can't seem to close the distance on his takedowns. Eduardo with a jab that shoots Curran's head back. Inside leg kick from Eduardo looks like it lands to the groin, but Curran shakes it off. Curran lands a big shot, and Eduardo immediately yells to the official that it was an eyepoke. The ref says they need to continue, and Curran lands a nice shot. He is coming forward now with much more aggression. Eduardo looks the tamest he has been so far. Eduardo still complaining about his eye, but Curran does not care. Two minutes to go in the round. Jabs from Curran, followed by a hook. Eduardo counters. Curran shoots for the takedown, but Eduardo pushes away again. Curran misses with a hook, and Eduardo checks an inside leg kick and a head kick. Curran with a low stance again. Under 60 seconds to go. Pace has slowed tremendously, but Curran lands a hook, followed by another. And another. The crowd cheers as Curran lands a nice combo. Eduardo counters, but Curran is coming forward with intensity. Huge right lands for Curran, and Eduardo paces backwards.
Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Curran.
Official decision: Eduardo def. Curran via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Alex Soto vs. Francisco Rivera
Round 1
This bantamweight contest kicks off the preliminary action, as Rivera finds himself in the blue corner, Soto in the red. Rivera presses forward early, landing an uppercut. Soto is staying on the outside, but lands a kick. Nice head kick from Soto, but Rivera lands a right hook that floors Soto. Soto gets the fight down briefly, but Rivera gets back up. He lands several big punches, and Soto is hurt. Soto with punches to keep distance, and Rivera is unable to finish. Nice jab from Soto, but Rivera counters with another big shot that puts Soto down again. Soto looks to recover and scores a much-needed takedown. Rough first two minutes for Soto, but he is on top. Rivera scrambles out, but takes a big knee to the chest. He stands, but Soto is there with another knee. More strikes from Rivera, and Soto looks very uncomfortable. Soto looks for a takedown, but decides against it and instead circles away. Nice punch from Soto. Rivera misses with a kick, and Soto barely lands a kick of his own. Rivera still pressing forward, while Soto continues to circle on the outside. Rivera misses with a hook, but lands on the next one. Then a kick. Soto is having a tough time on the feet, deciding to shoot in for a takedown. Good defense from Rivera, and the pair separate. 30 seconds to go. Rivera stil stalking. 10 seconds. Kick from Soto ends the frame.
Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Rivera.
Round 2
Long right comes up short for Soto, as does a kick. Rivera just misses with a big hook. Soto hopping around, staying on the outside. Body shot lands for Soto. Takedown attempt from Soto fails, but Rivera doesn't make him pay. Solid body shot lands for Soto. Nice left lands next. Soto is starting to find his range, as he lands another left and a body kick. Rivera lands a kick to the groin of Soto. Action resumes after only a few moments. Soto with another kick. Rivera lands an outside leg kick. Straight right misses for Rivera. Soto ducks under a hook. Another takedown attempt for the underdog, but he fails again. Midpoint of the round. Big punches from Rivera, followed by a head kick. Soto looks hurt, but waves his opponent forward. Kick to the groin lands for Soto, and there is a second break in action this round. The referee restarts the fighters, who touch gloves. Rivera stalking yet again, leaving Soto little option but to circle away. Soto looks to close the distance, landing a kick, but Rivera lands a vicious head kick that puts Soto down. Soto again waves his opponent forward, smiling. Rivera patiently moves forward, as Soto once again circles away. More kicks from Soto. Rivera closes the distance, landing a hook and a kick.
Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Rivera.
Round 3
Rivera's corner says this fight should have been finished by now. Rivera seems a bit frustrated with his opponent's chin. Rivera looks for a head kick, but it only gives Soto the opportunity to take him down. Rivera gets back up immediately. More stalking from the favorite. Kick from Soto lands to his opopnent's arm. Nice combination from Rivera, but the short punches do little. Nice right lands for Rivera. Front kick lands for Rivera, who looks to land a combination, but misses. Nice uppercut from Rivera. Soto is in trouble. He looks to clinch, but Rivera separates. Punch lands for Soto, but he is hurt. He circles away again as the fighters reach the midway point of the round. Brief exchange, and Soto lands a nice shot. Kick from Soto checked by Rivera. Soto has 90 seconds to get a finish, but that doesn't seem likely. Soto mixing in nice shots, but nearly takes a kick to the head. Head kick from Rivera is blocked. Soto misses with a big punch, and Rivera lands. Soto jumps off the cage, looking to land a superman punch, similar to Alan Belcher's at UFC 100. He doesn't, and the round comes to a close.
Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Rivera.
Official decision: Rivera def. Soto via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)