Ultimate Fighting Championship
UFC on Fuel TV 9 fight blog
Ultimate Fighting Championship

UFC on Fuel TV 9 fight blog

Published Apr. 6, 2013 1:00 a.m. ET

Gegard Mousasi vs Ilir Latifi

Round 3:

Latifi needs a finish in this last round. Mousasi continues to land the jab. Latifi with a head kick that lands. Mousasi shakes it off and goes back to the jab. Mosuasi now opening up with the right hand. Mousasi continues to pour it on. Latifi survives but is taking a good beating. Latifi really bloody under his right eye now. Latifi lands a big right hand but Mousasi shakes it off again. Latifi switching stances is throwing Mousasi off. Two minutes to go. Mousasi with a right hand that gets in barely. Latifi with a leg kick throwing Mousasi off balance. Mousasi with a big overhand right as Latifi covers up. One minute left. Latifi a bloody mess. Mousasi with a leg kick but Latifi catches it and trips him to the ground. Latifi on top as Mousasi wants to play with his guard. Latifi lands a big right hand and is attacking but it will be too little too late as the fight ends. Latifi put up a valiant effort but was picked apart by Mousasi on the feet.

Score: 10-9 Mousasi, 30-27 Mousasi


Official Result: Gegard Mousasi def. Ilir Latifi by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Round 2:

Mousasi quickly comes forward to start the round. Latifi trying to be aggressive at the start. Mousasi is really relaxed in the cage as he lands his jab. Latifi lands a left hand but misses the next few. Latifi circles as Mousasi stalks him. Mousasi changes levels and attacks the body with the left. Latifi lands a big right hand but Mousasi is unfazed by it. Latifi misses a power right hand. Latifi again circles as Mousasi continues stalking. Mousasi continues to land the jab and it is showing on Latifi's face. Latifi misses a takedown but Mousasi sprawls. Back to the feet. Latifi has blood coming out below his right eye. Mousasi lands the jab big time once again. Mousasi picking Latifi apart on the feet. Mousasi switches with a leg kick. Mousasi to the body with the left jab. Lots of damage to the face of Latifi as the round ends.

Score: 10-9 Mousasi, 20-18 Mousasi

Round 1:

We are underway with the night’s main event. Mousasi with a quick leg kick and Latifi misses on one of his own. Mousasi with another leg kicks. He has a huge height and reach advantage. Mousasi throwing fakes and Latifi bites a little bit. Latifi goes for a takedown but it is stuffed. Both missing on punches. Mousasi lands a jab followed by a straight right. Mousasi very patient right now with his attack. Latifi just misses a big right hand. Latifi throwing with power. Mousasi with a front kick. Mousasi lands a straight jab that hurt Latifi momentarily. Mousasi has his hands low. Mousasi controlling the action as Latifi is forced to counter and hope to land a big punch. Mousasi lands several left hands. Latifi gets the crowd into the fight urging Mousasi on.

Score: 10-9 Mousasi

Ross Pearson vs Ryan Couture

Round 2:

Pearson comes out trying to apply pressure. Couture misses with punches and Pearson lands a counter. Pearson attacking with a left hook but Couture able to shake him off. Couture gets Pearson against the cage. Both landing to the body against the cage. Couture exits the clinch with a nice combination. Pearson lands a nice combo but Couture gets back on the offensive. Both using good footwork. Couture misses on a takedown as Pearson does a good job of separation. Couture circles as Pearson looks to land something big. Couture misses a spinning back kick. Pearson lands with a left. Couture misses a kick and falls down. Pearson lands a combo and has Couture in trouble and Pearson finishes him off with punches on the ground after dropping Couture! Nice finish from Pearson as he rocked Couture with a left and swarmed in when he had Couture in trouble.

Official Result: Ross Pearson def. Ryan Couture by TKO (punches) at 3:45 of Round 2

Round 1:

Couture starts with a front kick to the leg and goes for a takedown. Couture has Pearson against the cage and lands a knee to the face. They remain tied up as each looks to control the pace of the fight. Couture lands a couple of good knees. Two minutes in Couture continues to apply pressure against the cage. Not too much action as it's a pressure game right now. They break briefly before Couture grabs a leg and scores a quick takedown. Back to the feet and Couture has Pearson against the cage again. They break. Couture with good movement as Pearson can't connect with strikes, missing a head kick. Couture with a front kick. Couture with a straight jab stopping Pearson coming in. Couture continues with stance switching and he grabs Pearson and pushes him against the fence. Both clinch and land good knees. Both land punches to end the round.

Score: 10-9 Couture

Matt Mitrione vs Phil De Fries

Round 1:

They quickly meet in the center. De Fries goes for a takedown but it is stuffed. Mitrione then rocks De Fries as they collide on another takedown attempt and quickly finishes him off with elbows and punches. Very quick finish!

Official Result: Matt Mitrione def. Phil De Fries by KO (strikes) at :19 of Round 1

Brad Pickett vs Mike Easton

Round 3:

This round could decide the fight. Pickett comes out aggressive but Easton lands a spin kick. They trade in close quarters and Easton lands a knee to the body. Both throwing with a lot of volume as Easton lands a head kick. Easton grabs Pickett's back and gets a takedown. Pickett reverses it and ends up on top in a scramble. Pickett in Easton's guard. They battle for position as Easton tries to stall while Pickett lands short elbows. Pickett moves into half-guard with a step-over. Pickett throws some punches. Easton tries to get to the feet but gives up his back. They get to the feet but Pickett has Easton's back and picks him up and throws him. Pickett goes for the guillotine but Easton rolls out. Pickett still has Easton's neck. Both men are tired as we have just a minute left. They break and exchange. Both land jabs. Easton with a kick and Pickett counters with a punch. They exchange close trying to score points as they fight goes to the decision. Solid fight from both men.

Score: 10-9 Pickett, 29-28 Pickett

Official Result: Brad Pickett def. Mike Easton by split decision (28-29, 30-27, 30-27)

Round 2:

Easton lands a nice right hand to start. Pickett looking for the uppercut as they trade. They trade inside the pocket. Easton tosses Pickett aside as they clinch. Pickett with a flying knee and they clinch again. They trade again inside the pocket. Easton with good head movement but Pickett still lands a combo. Easton coming forward slowly but Pickett lands. Pickett ducks under an Easton punch and gets a takedown but they get to the feet quickly. Pickett has Easton against the cage. They clinch and Easton lands a knee. Pickett pressuring for another takedown and gets it but they pop back up. Pickett has ahold of Easton's side. Working against the cage with Easton against it but Easton lands. They break and Easton scores a takedown. Easton working from top and misses an elbow. Easton transitions to half-guard. They scramble to the feet. Pickett unloads with a combo as they work at a fast pace. Pickett goes for a takedown but it is blocked. They work against the cage as both begin to tire. Easton pressures for a takedown but they clinch. Pickett lands a nice combo and an uppercut. Pickett lands and wobbles Easton. Another close round.

10-9 Easton, 19-19 even

Round 1:

Pickett attacks Easton's legs early on. Pickett with some punches and attacks Easton. Easton counters with a kick then Pickett counters him with a kick. Easton with a kick but Pickett catches it and trips him. Easton grabs Pickett's back and looks for a takedown. Easton has Pickett against the cage. The referee warns about action. Easton lands a knee and Pickett turns it into a clinch and lands his own knee. Easton gets a trip and looking to complete the takedown. Pickett blocks it and they separate. Pickett with two solid elbows on the break and now he has Easton against the cage. Easton with a knee. They break up. Pickett with a leg kick and an uppercut. They trade combos. Pickett looks for the takedown but it is stuffed. Easton with a kick. Pickett then throws a combination. They battle close. Pickett misses an overhand right and Easton counters with a takedown. Easton in Pickett's guard. Pickett pushes him off and it's back to the feet. Pickett pressure with a takedown and picks Easton up and takes him down. Pickett has Easton's back to end the round. Close round.

Score: 10-9 Pickett

Diego Brandao vs Pablo Garza

Round 1:

Garza with a big height advantage. Brandao quickly attacking the legs. Garza has a high kick blocked. Brandao attacking with vicious kicks. Garza misses a double jab and Brandao lands a nice combination. Brandao switches stances. Brandao blitzes Garza and lands a flying knee. Brandao with a huge takedown slam and looking to go to side control. Brandao lands body punches from the top. Brandao looking to set up an arm triangle but Garza sees it. Brandao moves into side control and looking to trap Garza's arms. Garza moving to get out but falls into mount before moving out of it. Brandao locks in the arm triangle and it is deep. Garza fighting it off but Brandao then forces him to tap out! Impressive showing from Brandao.

Official Result: Diego Brandao def. Pablo Garza by submission (arm-triangle choke) at 3:27 of Round 1

Akira Corassani vs Robbie Peralta

Round 3:

Both looking to score a finish as the scores could be close. Both exchange and Peralta throws a spin kick. They tie-up and Peralta lands a knee and punch on the break. Corassani attacks with a leg kick. Both countering the other well. Both rock each other with right hands before Corassani scores a takedown. Peralta looking for an arm from the bottom. Peralta trying to lock in a kimura but lets go. They get back to the feet and Corassani has Peralta's back. Corassani with a trip and down they go. Both showing signs of fatigue. Peralta warned about holding the fence. Corassani has Peralta's back looking to drag it back down. They clinch up as it's back to the feet. Peralta with a knee and puts Corassani against the cage. They switch and now Peralta is against the cage. They reverse yet again. Both battling for position and possibly the round. Corassani is cut from an elbow and is starting to become bloody. Corassani pressuring for a takedown but Peralta with good defense. Peralta lands a knee but falls down and Corassani ends up on top which may make the difference. Corassani in half-guard and holds position to end the fight.

Score: 10-9 Corassani, 29-28 Corassani

Official Result: Akira Corassani def. Robbie Peralta by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

Round 2:

They trade to start the round. Peralta lands some kicks. Peralta still looking to land a big punch. Corassani misses on a head kick. Peralta with a huge punch to the body followed by looking for a takedown. Corassani blocks it but Peralta has him against the cage. They trade in the clinch before breaking. Both miss on exchanges then Corassani lands a kick. Pace starting to slow just a little. Both land overhead right hands. Peralta with a solid combination. Both land hard lefts and Corassani is rocked. Peralta swarms on him looking to finish but Corassani survives. Peralta still pouring it on with knees in the clinch. Corassani survives still but Peralta has his back against the cage. They battle against the cage in the clinch. Corassani looks for a takedown but Peralta grabs the cage to block it. Peralta with a short elbow in the clinch before switching to body shots. Corassani then rocks Peralta with an overhand right and Peralta staggers. Corassani lands a big left right before the end of the round. Close round.

Score: 10-9 Peralta, 19-19 even

Round 1:

Corassani starts with a quick leg kick. Corassani circling and lands another quick kick. Peralta throws a punch and Corassani counters well. Corassani with a quick combo landing on Peralta. Peralta looking to land big early. Peralta lands a nice combination on Corassani. Corassani misses with a kick. Peralta backs Corassani up and lands a punch. They tie-up and Peralta pushes Corassani against the cage. They battle for position before they break. Corassani with a quick punch/kick combo. Corassani and Peralta exchange kicks before Corassani lands a big right hand. Corassani with good movement on his feet. Peralta lands a nice punch combination. They exchange punches. Peralta backs Corassani up with a kick. Corassani then does the same. Peralta misses and Corassani grabs Peralta and they battle in the clinch against the cage. Peralta against the cage and Corassani lands some knees. Peralta with elbows. Peralta tries a takedown but Corassani blocks it. They trade in the clinch and on the feet as the round ends.

Score: 10-9 Corassani

Reza Madadi vs Michael Johnson

Round 3:

This should decide the fight. Madadi grabs a single leg and forces Johnson against the cage. Madadi gets a trip but Johnson counters though Madadi ends on top. Madadi in side control with Johnson pressed against the fence. Madadi trying to set up a choke while Johnson tries to roll out. Madadi with some hammerfists. Madadi keeping Johnson on his back and lands some punches. Madadi setting up a choke, Madadi has an anaconda choke locked in and Johnson taps out! The crowd goes wild and Madadi runs into the crowd in celebration!

Official Result: Reza Madadi def. Michael Johnson by submission (anaconda choke) at 1:33 of Round 3

Round 2:

They come out trading and Madadi still feeling the effects of the head kick. Johnson attacks the legs. Madadi grabs Johnson and scores the takedown and looks for the hooks. Madadi mounts Johnson and is throwing down punches and elbows. Madadi looking to finish with elbows and looking for the triangle. Madadi reigns down some more punches as Johnson spins out and they get back to the feet. Madadi grabs a leg and scores another takedown and is in Johnson's guard. Madadi with an elbow looking to land more ground and pound. More elbows from Madadi. Johnson looking for some separation but he is eating shots. Johnson looking for a triangle and Madadi moves to side control. Madadi throws punches from the side as he looks to advance position. Madadi really controlling the action from the top. Madadi in half-guard and relentless with his attack. Johnson is getting worn out. Madadi brings more pressure but Johnson having good defense on the bottom. Madadi attacks the body. Madadi ends with more ground and pound. Strong round for Madadi.

Score: 10-9 Madadi, 19-19 even

Round 1:

Both quickly go to the center of the octagon. Johnson with a kick and Madadi grabs him. Johnson with a leg kick and Madadi lands a big right hand. Madadi misses an overhand right and Johnson misses a counter to the body. The stream goes out for a moment but as it comes back on Johnson gets a takedown and Johnson on top of Madadi. Madadi goes for submissions but Johnson remains on control. Johnson has Madadi up against the cage and drops him with a huge head kick. Madadi survives the round after Johnson came close to finishing him.

Score: 10-9 Johnson

Tor Troeng vs Adam Cella

Round 1:

A battle between fighters on the current season of The Ultimate Fighter. Cella strings together a combination ending with a body kick. They trade exchanges and Cella gets the better of it. Troeng grabs Cella and scores a takedown. Troeng on top looking to improve position. Troeng back to the feet and Cella looks to land an upkick. Troeng lands back in guard throwing a punch on the way down. Troeng moves to side control and lands elbows to the body. Troeng attempts to go into mount but Cella spins it. Troeng grabs Cella's back and looks to get the hooks in. Troeng gets both hooks in and looks to lock in a rear-naked choke. Has one around around and Troeng is landing from the back. Troeng locks in the rear-naked choke and Cella taps out! The crowd roars in approval for the submission by Troeng.

Official Result: Tor Troeng def. Adam Cella by submission (rear-naked choke) at 3:11 of Round 1

Chris Spang vs Adlan Amagov

Round 3:

Spang likely needs a big round here. Spang comes out firing. Spang misses his own spin kick. Spang attacks with combinations that backs Amagov up. Amagov lands an uppercut that Spang blocks. Spang applying the most pressure here as Amagov backs up. Amagov lands a push kick as Spang looks to attack the body. Amagov misses a flying knee but uses it to finish a punch combination. Amagov with a spin kick as Spang tries to attack. Both circling trying to get the better of the attacks. Spang misses a spinning elbow. Amagov stops Spang coming forward with a push kick. Amagov knocks Spang down as Spang goes for a spinning back fist. Spang unable to land with consistency. Amagov looks for the takedown and gets it but it gets right back to the feet. Amagov has Spang's back and lands some knees to the thighs. Amagov has Spang's back as Spang lands back elbows. Amagov with knees to the legs. Amagov throws a kick to Spang's head as he has his back. More knees to the thighs by Amagov. Amagov controlling as Spang has no answer. Amagov lands a back suplex but Spang bounces up. Amagov ends the fight with another takedown. Should be a unanimous decision for Amagov.

Score: 10-9 Amagov, 30-27

Official Result: Adlan Amagov def. Chris Spang by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Round 2:

Both check kicks to start. Amagov misses a flashy double spin kick that excites the crowd. Spang begins to control the octagon and attacks. Amagov lands a spin kick and a head kick. Amagov grabs Spang and rushes him against the cage and grabs a takedown. Leon Roberts warns Spang about grabbing the cage. Spang lands a few soft punches to Amagov's head. Back to the feet and Amagov gets an inside trip takedown into half-guard. Spang gets it into closed guard. Both look to improve position. Spang landing from the bottom and keeping busy. Amagov lands some body punches. The ref warns them to work. Amagov lands from the top. Roberts stands them up. Amagov with an oblique kick. Amagov starting to fade. Spang trying to mix it up and throws a kick. Amagov lands a head kick. Amagov tries an upward elbow that misses. Amagov grabs Spang and pushes him against the cage. Amagov with a head kick against the cage. Amagov misses a spinning back fist to end the round.

Score: 10-9 Amagov, 20-18 Amagov

Round 1:

Amagov tries the oblique kick to start off. Feeling out process to start off the first minute. Amagov misses a spin kick. Amagov knocks Spang down with a kick to the chest but Spang bounces up. Spang misses a leg kick. Amagov lands a thigh kick followed by an inside leg kick. Amagov tries a flashy head kick but misses. Amagov goes to the head with a kick and slips. Spang looking to find his range with a body kick. Amagov attacks with more kicks and mixes in a spin kick to the leg. Spang misses a leg kick. Lots of stuff missing right now by both. Spang with a double jab that misses. Amagov with another leg kick. Spang having trouble landing his punches as he tries to avoid Amagov's kicking attacks. Crowd begins to boo. Both miss kicks and then both check leg kicks. Amagov misses another oblique kick. Not a lot of action but most of the offense from Amagov. Amagov scores a takedown at the end.

Score: 10-9 Amagov

Marcus Brimage vs Conor McGregor

Round 1:

They quickly take the center and start firing away. McGregor misses a spin kick. Brimage gets a nice right hook in. McGregor rocks Brimage with an uppercut. Brimage attacks and McGregor counters. They are both firing away and McGregor drops Brimage. McGregor finishes Brimage off with punches on the ground! Very impressive performance from McGregor.

Official Result: Conor McGregor def. Marcus Brimage by TKO (punches) at 1:07 of Round 1

Benny Alloway vs Ryan LaFlare

Round 3:

Alloway starts with a head kick. He seems to be the less tired fighter. LaFlare grabs Alloway's back and gets a takedown and looking for side control. Alloway likely needs to score a finish here. LaFlare trying to advance position on the top. Not much happening otherwise. They battle for position. LaFlare brings down a hard elbow. Three minutes left in the fight. LaFlare moves onto Alloway's back in the side position. Back to the feet and Alloway grabs for a takedown but ends up on bottom. Alloway threatens with the triangle again but can't get it. LaFlare in control and lands a knee as they get to the feet. They exchange punches and LaFlare grabs for a takedown. It misses and Alloway grabs LaFlare's back. LaFlare spins onto top position. LaFlare counters another triangle attempt from Alloway. LaFlare continues to pressure. LaFlare is tired but keeps going. Back to the feet and they exchange punches. Alloway has LaFlare's back against the cage. They exchange soft blows to end the fight. Should be a solid win for LaFlare.

Score: 10-9 LaFlare, 30-27, LaFlare

Official Result: Ryan LaFlare def. Ben Alloway by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Round 2:

Feeling out to start. Alloway rushes in and LaFlare grabs him. LaFlare throws a left hand. Alloway with a kick and LaFlare gets a takedown. LaFlare trying to improve position as Alloway tries to set up a triangle. Alloway grabbing LaFlare's wrists to hold him. LaFlare back up and Alloway on his back looking for upkicks. LaFlare goes back into Alloway's guard after a huge left hand. LaFlare trying to get into side control. LaFlare gets it and looking to grab an arm. Back to side control and lands a couple of elbows. LaFlare then gets up for a choke but Alloway fights it. Both get back to the feet and break up. Alloway attacks with some punches and a kick. LaFlare on the attack and grabs a quick takedown but it gets back to the feet. Alloway has LaFlare against the cage. LaFlare catches Alloway with a kick and rushes in. LaFlare grabs Alloway's neck allowing Alloway to get a takedown. Alloway on top trying to get mount. Alloway has LaFlare's head as the positions have now changed. Back to the feet but Alloway drags it back down. LaFlare ends on top to end the round.

Score: 10-9 LaFlare, 20-18 LaFlare

Round 1:

Alloway misses a left hand to start and they clinch up. LaFlare gets a takedown right into side control. LaFlare looking to throw punches. Both battling for position. LaFlare looking for a crucifix position as both get back to the feet. LaFlare misses with knees and puts Alloway's back against the cage. More battles for position. LaFlare lands an elbow. LaFlare scores another takedown. LaFlare looking to take Alloway's back. LaFlare lands some punches to the head from the back. Alloway defending well and gets back to the feet. Alloway looking for a standing kimura but lets go. LaFlare pressuring on Alloway's back. They break up but LaFlare grabs another takedown. LaFlare in half-guard. LaFlare being the aggressor. LaFlare looking to improve position and lands an elbow. LaFlare postures up and lands a few more elbows. Alloway looking for the triangle but LaFlare passes guard briefly. Back to the feet and LaFlare lands a huge knee. They trade exchanges to end the round.

Score: 10-9 LaFlare

Michael Kuiper vs Tom Lawlor

Round 2:

Lawlor starts with a quick left hand. Kuiper landing a couple of kicks as they trade exchanges. Kuiper puts Lawlor's back against the wall as Lawlor grabs a guillotine and has it in tight. Lawlor locking it in tighter. Kuiper battling through it but Lawlor trying to get the submission. Kuiper taps out and Lawlor scores the win!

Official Result: Tom Lawlor def. Michael Kuiper by submission (guillotine choke) at 1:05 of Round 2

Round 1:

Lawlor pushes forward quickly looking for the takedown. Lawlor with a body lock. Lawlor goes to the legs looking for a takedown. Lawlor again looks for the takedown with Kuiper's back against the cage. Good takedown defense from Kuiper. Both looking to establish position. Lawlor looks to change levels looking for the takedown. Lawlor still looking for the takedown and Kuiper gets a judo takedown. Back to the feet and Lawlor looking to score a double leg takedown. Lawlor pressuring Kuiper against the cage. Both land knees and Kuiper lands a takedown and throws some heavy punches. Back to the feet and Kuiper lifts Lawlor up and slams him down. Kuiper in Lawlor's half-guard. Both looking for submissions. Kuiper takes Lawlor's back. Lawlor looking for a sweep. Back to the feet and Kuiper blocks another takedown attempt from Lawlor. They're broken up and back to the center of the octagon. Lawlor misses a takedown and Kuiper lands some hard punches from the top. Kuiper on top as Lawlor works butterfly guard. They end with Kuiper on top.

Score: 10-9 Kuiper

Papy Abedi vs Besam Yousef

Round 3:

Final round underway with a leg kick from Yousef. Yousef pushes Abedi against the cage as Abedi is gassing out. Both men beginning to slow. They battle in a tie-up. Abedi with a trip takedown and into Yousef's guard. Yousef trying to get back to the feet but Abedi pulls him down. Abedi with hard shots to Yousef's head from the side. Abedi in half-guard and reigning down a few punches. Abedi on his feet with ahold of Yousef's legs. Abedi lands a body shot but Yousef gets back to his feet. They clinch back up and both land knees. Yousef puts Abedi against the cage and goes to the body. Abedi counters with a knee. Yousef then scores a takedown and is on top. Not much activity with Yousef on top as Abedi is holding on. A minute to go and a standup brings them back to the feet. Abedi slow to get up. Yousef with a hard right and pushes Abedi against the cage. They clinch back up and Yousef lands a couple of elbows. Both are tired against the cage. Yousef lands a flying knee to the body in the closing seconds.

Score: 10-9 Yousef, 29-28 Abedi

Official Result: Papy Abedi def. Besam Yousef by split decision (28-29, 29-28, 29-28)

Round 2:

Yousef with a swing and a miss to start the round. Abedi with a front kick. Abedi with a hard left hand and then another. Yousef clinches up and hits a couple of knees. Yousef with some body punches. Abedi with his back against the cage and Yousef lands some hard uppercuts. Abedi with a counter knee but having trouble breaking away from the clinch. Abedi scores another takedown and is on top. Abedi controlling with his judo base. Abedi in Yousef's guard. Abedi remains on top and throws some elbows. Yousef throwing elbows from bottom but Abedi attacks with his own. Abedi with some ground and pound. A standup is ordered by the referee. Abedi with a left kick/punch combo. They clinch up again and Yousef blocks a takedown. Elbow from Yousef. Abedi beginning to tire. Yousef has Abedi against the cage and attacking the body and then lands a big knee. Abedi counters with his own knee. Yousef counters with body shots. The round ends with Yousef landing a knee and elbow. Close round.

Score: 10-9 Abedi, 20-18 Abedi

Round 1:

We are underway today. Quick feeling out process to start. Abedi with a couple of leg kicks. Not much in the first 45 seconds. Abedi attacking the legs with leg kicks towards the calf. Yousef responds with his own leg kick. Still feeling each other out 90 seconds in. Yousef with a nice combination and work in the clinch. Abedi with an inside trip takedown. Abedi on top trying to break guard. Abedi throws an elbow from top trying to posture up. Abedi gets to the feet and passes into half-guard with Yousef's leg trapped. Yousef able to get Abedi back into full guard. Abedi looking to break guard with some elbows. Abedi with a hard elbow as Yousef covers up. Yousef trying to stall to get it to the feet. They're up against the cage with Abedi on top throwing elbows. Abedi on the feet and Yousef looks for upkicks. Abedi back down as Yousef tries to scramble. Abedi with a knee to the body and they get back to the feet. A clinch battle against the cage with Abedi's back against it. Abedi throwing a few knees as Yousef attacks the body. Yousef with his own offensive knees and elbows. They end the round in the clinch with both throwing elbows. Abedi with a quick takedown at the end.

Score: 10-9 Abedi

Main Card
Gegard Mousasi vs Ilir Latifi
Ross Pearson vs Ryan Couture
Matt Mitrione vs Phil De Fries
Brad Pickett vs Mike Easton
Diego Brandao vs Pablo Garza
Akira Corassani vs Robbie Peralta

Online Prelims
Reza Madadi vs Michael Johnson
Tor Troeng vs Adam Cella
Chris Spang vs Adlan Amagov
Marcus Brimage vs Conor McGregor
Benny Alloway vs Ryan LaFlare
Michael Kuiper vs Tom Lawlor
Papy Abedi vs Besam Yousef


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