UFC 161: Evans defeats Henderson

Main Event: Dan Henderson vs Rashad Evans
Round 1
Rashad Evans looks to be in excellent shape, much better than he was the last time we saw him against Little Nog. Dan Henderson comes out looking to throw that big right early as Evans is using his movement early to keep away. Rashad is looking to explode and hit something as Henderson is measuring his shots. BIg flurry as Hendo lands a couple of uppercuts flush in the clinch. Evans in and out landing some quick shots. Evans goes for a double and Henderson stops it; he's out quickly as Henderson looks for that big right. Both guys are feeling each other out right now; Henderson wants to get in and Evans wants that takedown. Evans in on a shot and Henderson blocking; Evans is fighting similarly to how he fought Quinton Jackson. He's looking to stay away from the power, get the takedown and get it to the ground. Henderson is just defending the takedown better than Rampage did. Evans is getting in close sporadically but Henderson is landing some nice uppercuts out of it. Big left and EVans is down Henderson is going after him and Evans is wobbly. Henderson is throwing some BOMBS but Evans recovers. Henderson his him with a left, which is interesting because usually his big flurry starts with the right. Round ends as Henderson missed a big right. 10-9 Henderson
Round 2
Rashad comes out more active but as soon as Henderson acts like he's going to throw Evans backs off. Big takedown attempt succeeds but Henderson is right back up, Evans with back control. Body lock against the cage as Henderson gets his back against the cage. Evans with a nice flurry as the two start throwing and Henderson responds with a flurry of his own. Evans eats some shots to get back inside and we're back against the cage. Henderson also looks to be slowing down a little bit. Evans's footwork is really good right now; he's throwing more wild because he's not leaving his head exposed as much. Evans goes for a takedown and Henderson tosses him away, preferring to stand and trade. Evans with a nice combination and goes for a double, can't finish and Henderson with a pair of nice short elbows. 10-9 Henderson, 20-18. But i can see Evans getting credit on a judge's scorecard on at least one card as it was pretty close.
Round 3
Evans comes out throwing and Henderson is hurt but he's not pressing; he backed off as Henderson looked like he was getting ready to throw something big. Evans looks to be in better shape right now as his ability to move is outstanding. Evans is pushing the pace right now but not throwing; he gets in on a low single but Henderson defends well, gets back against the cage. Henderson's takedown defense is on point tonight. Some nice knees to the body as Evans is looking to throw and lands a nice combination followed by a level change that doesn't finish. Henderson is looking to fight in a phone booth as he's throwing some big time power when he gets close. Evans is grinding him on the fence now and is finding a pattern: he grinds against the fence and then backs off, throwing a crisp combination before he goes for a single. Henderson is looking for a big shot, landing a nice elbow whenever he goes back in. Both throw wildly as the round ends. 10-9 Evans, 29-28 Henderson. Can see it going either way, though.
Official Verdict: Rashad Evans def. Dan Henderson by Split-Decision
Roy Nelson vs Stipe Miocic
Round 1
Roy Nelson comes out looking for that big right as Stipe Miocic moves away from that big right. He goes for a takedown and can't pull it off. Stipe lands some big shots as his strategy is simple: avoid the big shots and get the takedown. Nelson's looking for that big one shot KO; Stipe is hitting some nice rights on Nelson as he's using movement to make Nelson move. Lands some nice combinations on Roy and nearly grabs Nelson's back after a failed double from Nelson. Big miss from Nelson and Miocic gets him down, Nelson right back up. Miocic with a slight slip after a left from Roy misses. Roy's looking for that big right as he looks like he's gassing. Stipe with a big riot and Miocic is teeing off on Nelson. Big knee against the cage and some nice short elbows; how Nelson is still standing is something. Nelson with the clinch to end the barrage as he looks rocked. Miocic is fighting a near perfect game plan right now as the round ends with him staying away. Miocic 10-9
Round 2
Miocic comes out staying at distance some more; Nelson is being more aggresive, trying to cut off the ring. Nelson is looking for a big overhand and Miocic is staying away Miocic's combinations are really crisp, as is his movement. He's putting on some nice combinations right now. Nelson looks gassed. Miocic is going off and Nelson is getting tagged. His chin is something else but he's gassed and taking a TON of punishment right now. Miocic goes for a low single and can't finish but follows it with a nice body kick. He's staying at distance, keeping away from Nelson and making him chase him down while putting together some nice combinations. Miocic goes for another takedown and can't connect but it looks like he's trying to really push Nelson's cardio. BIg uppercut from Roy and Miocic is moving away from him. Lands another nice combination followed by a leg kick. Another single leg try doesn't go but he wasn't committed to it, either. Miocic with a nice combination and gets Nelson against the cage with 30 seconds left. Nelson looks like he can't breath right now as Miocic lands some knees to the lower body. Miocic 10-9, 20-18
Round 3
Nelson comes out more aggressive this round as Miocic is doing his dart in and out game some more. Nelson is eating tons of punches and having to defend against takedowns to really empty his gas tank. Nelson's throwing wild, hoping for a Hail Mary, and Miocic is sticking to the game plan by making him work hard and landing nice combinations. Miocic's movement is solid and Nelson is resorting to chasing him down because he's not getting near him. Nelson has enough cardio for a couple second burst now but nothing more; Miocic is pushing him hard and finally gets a single leg. Nelson gets up quickly and Miocic pushes him against the cage. Miocic is taking his foot off the gas pedal right now, looking at the clock and staying away from Nelson. Any time Nelson looks to land more than one shot he's backing out and getting away. Miocic gets him against the cage some more and Miocic spends the final 20 seconds avoiding Nelson, save for a really nice combination with five seconds left. Miocic 10-9, 30-27
Official Verdict: Stipe Miocic def. Roy Nelson by unanimous decision
Ryan Jimmo vs. Igor Pokrajac
Round 1
Ryan Jimmo comes out looking to counter, Igor Pokrajac looking for a body lock. Jimmo grabs underhooks and presses him against the cage. We get a quick break as both fighters were trading knees. Another body lock by Igor and Jimmo gets underhooks, missing on a big haymaker and we're off the cage quickly again. Yves Lavigne is keeping them from wasting time on the cage quickly. Jimmo is keeping at distance, looking for a big counter as Igor gets in deep on a single but can't finish. Jimmo's back is against the cage and Igor is looking for the trip. Broken up again. Another clinch and we're back against the cage and Jimmo backs off the cage. Another clinch and we're back on it, quick break from Lavigne. Nice high kick from Igor misses as Jimmo is looking for leg kicks. Igor is moving forward as Jimmo is looking for a counter, trying to stay at distance. Igor with a big right and Jimmo is wobbly, wild exchange as he tries to capitalize and can't. Back to the clinch against the cage as the round ends. 10-9 Pokrajac
Round 2
Igor comes out aggressive as Jimo looks to stay at distance. Big right from Jimmo and Igor is down, Jimmo is pouring it on. Igor back up and Jimmo trips him to the ground, lands in half guard as Jimmo lands some ground and pound. Jimmo is posturing up and looking to land strikes, Igor is looking to get the stand up. Jimmo is grinding him down for a while, looking for big shots while Igor is covering up well. Jimmo stands up and eats an upkick for his troubles, lands in side control as he lands some more ground and pound. Round ends with Jimmo grinding him out on the ground more. 10-9 Jimmo, 19-19
Round 3
Back to some clinch work and Jimmo drags him to the ground. Jimmo is in open guard right now as Igor is looking pull a triangle as Jimmo defends well on top. Back to the ground and pound as Jimmo is content to grind this one out. Igor grabs a guillotine and has it in deep on Jimmo. He's fighting and gets it out, back to ground and pound. Jimmo spends most of the rest of the round on ground until Igor gets up, back to the clinch for the rest. 10-9 Jimmo, 29-28 Jimmo
Official Verdict: Ryan Jimmo def. Igor Pokrajac by unanimous decision
Alexis Davis vs Rosi Sexton
Round 1
Alexis Davis and Rosi Sexton come out throwing quickly and violently. Davis grabs the Thai clinch and Sexton fights out of it but eats some elbows for her efforts. Davis goes back to the Thai Clinch and lands some nice knees to the body and head. She's looking to get the takedown but Sexton is defending it well; Davis is setting it up by going for the clinch and then a body lock trip. Sexton circles out and we're back to a brawl as both girls are throwing down. Sexton level changes and gets the takedown but Davis grabs guard and is working for an armbar off her back. Davis slips a triangle as Sexton lands some punches. Davis's BJJ credentials are first rate and it's only a matter of time. Sexton is landing some nice shots but Davis is tightening it as she's getting hit. Sexton is stacking her to keep her from extending the arm out as Davis looks to a gator roll, can't finish. Sexton lands some big shots and she loses it momentarily. Sexton is locked in it but is landing some big shots. Round ends in it. 10-9 Davis
Round 2
Davis grabs the clinch and eats some uppercuts for her pleasure, Sexton grabs the body clinch and we're against the cage. Sexton gets the trip and has Davis in half guard and Davis rolls for a knee bar. Can't finish but winds up on top in half guard. Davis is landing some big shots as Sexton is trying to stall her way to a standup. Sexton is using full guard as Davis is landing some big elbows on her. Sexton rolls to her stomach and Davis grabs a rear naked choke but can't sink it in. Davis lands some strikes on her in half back mount, then gets full and flattens her out. 30 seconds left and she's eating some big shots. Herb Dean lets it go as the round ends. 10-8 Davis, 20-17 Davis
Round 3
Both gals come out swinging for the fences again. This is a sloppy brawl right as both are tired and throwing wildly right now. Davis with a double and Sprawl from Sexton, Davis rolls for a knee bar and Sexton counters but turning into her. Davis grabs back mount and into a body triangle. She's looking to work a rear naked choke and Sexton is playing hand control right now. Davis lands some big strikes on her and Sexton turns into her guard. Davis has a high full guard, looking to roll into a triangle or an armbar. Sexton is working some ground and pound but Davis is so active that she's almost playing defense right now. Sexton is landing some big strikes in Davis's guard, posturing up as Davis looks to roll for a leg. Sexton spins and looks to grab back with 45 seconds left. She can't finish as Davis takes top position and Sexton goes into guard. Fight ends with her using some ground and pound. 10-9 Davis, 30-26 Davis
Official verdict: Alexis Davis def. Rosi Sexton by unanimous decision
Pat Barry vs. Shawn Jordan
Round 1
Both guys are tentative with their striking; both guys have big power and aren't going to just wade in and exchange. Pat Barry is being more aggressive while Shawn Jordan is looking to counter; Jordan with a big combination and Barry is down. Jordan pours it on as Barry goes against the cage, raining bombs, and Barry is out. Ref steps in and it's over.
Official Verdict: Shawn Jordan def. Pat Barry by TKO
Tyron Woodley vs. Jake Shields
Round 1
Both fighters come out tentative with their striking. Jake Shields is looking to close the gap and Tyron Woodley is looking for a big strike. Woodley with a big leg kick that knocks Shields to the ground; he's looking for a big one punch and to avoid the ground. Shields is leery of that power; Woodley with a kick that Shields catches and tries to turn into a drag single, Woodley just out-athletes him to get back to his feet and we're in the clinch game against the cage. Both fighters are throwing knees to the body as they battle for position. We get a break and back to the middle of the cage. Woodley looks so much more athletic than Shields and is moving so much quicker than Shields. Woodley is getting out landed but when he hits Shields it's much more powerful. Shields with a single against the cage but Woodley is muscling his way out. Shields is in deep but is eating some powerful shots to the body; Woodley is muscling his way standing. 10-9 Woodley
Round 2
Shields goes for the takedown some more and Woodley knocks him to the ground; he's looking for one big punch instead of the ground game. He's whipping some big overhand rights at him that Shields hasn't been caught with yet. Woodley with the body clinch and we're back against the cage. Woodley is defending against Shields's takedowns wonderfully but it's much more about raw athleticism and power than technique. He's clearly significantly stronger. Shields goes for a guillotine and Woodley goes down to his knees to prevent, Shields landing some knees to the shoulder. Woodley powers his way back up but Shields has him against the cage. He circles out and we're back to the middle of the cage. Woodley is landing some nice rights and is looking for the big one punch KO. Shields with another takedown that's blocked and we're back up against the cage. Split up with 10 seconds left as we end with dueling body kicks. 10-9 Shields
Round 3
Woodley comes out the aggressor as Shields is moving back whenever he throws. Shields catches a kick and goes for the single, can't finish and we're back against the cage. Shields with some really light knees to the body as Woodley lands a nice punch to the body. Split quickly and we're back to the middle. Woodley is letting his hands go more but Shields is landing in volume with kicks and jabs. Back to the body lock and some failed takedowns from Shields before yet another split. Nice spinning back fist from Woodley and Shields walks through, pressing forward for a takedown. Woodley goes for a takedown but can't finish, back to the cage for some more clinch work. Break again with a minute on the clock and Woodley is breathing deep. Shields is working his jab and light kicks to the body as Woodley looks for a big strike, Shields dives for a double and can't finish that and we're back against the cage. Woodley with a nice uppercut and elbow as the round ends. 10-9 Woodley, 29-28 Woodley
Official Verdict: Jake Shields def. Tyron Woodley by Split-Decision
Sam Stout vs. James Krause
Round 1
Sam Stout comes out more aggressive as James Krause is more tentatative. Stout is throwing more kicks than normal early on, Krause goes for a high kick and Stout ducks to dgrab a body clinch. Back against the cage with the clinch. Krause gets away and back to the middle as Krause is more aggressive now. Stout is stepping in whenever Krause throws a kick to throw a combination. Nice combination and front kick from Krause and Stout is done, rolling back to his feet as Krause presses the action. Another front kick misses and Stout is getting predictable: he throws a combination and follows it up with a kick. High kick from Krause and Stout catches it and gets the takedown, scramble and Stout winds up on his back in butterfly guard. Stout's busted open right now. Stout is looking to get back to his feet as Krause is looking to keep him there. Stout back to his feet and his face is half covered in blood right now. Cartwheel head kick misses towards the end of the round. 10-9 Krause, but barely.
Round 2
Krause goes for a kick and Stout catches it, throwing him backwards with it. Krause really likes throwing a push kick to the face; Stout is coming in and he's long enough to be able to hit it. Stout is turning this into a brawl and Krause is obliging. Stout with a nice bod punch as this is becoming a kickboxing fight. Krause with the takedown, briefly has Stout's back and then winds up in guard. Stout in full guard, looking to get up and Krause postures up, looking for a big strike but not landing one. Stout gets his way back up and we're back to a striking match. Stout is eating punishment to get into range as Krause is using his length really well. Krause with a sloppy takedown and Stout manages to get top position out of it. Stout with some nice elbows as the round ends. 10-9 Krause, 20-18
Round 3
Stout comes out the aggressor this round, landing some nice combinations with his kicks and punches. He's found his distance against Krause and is being aggressive right now. He's throwing early and often; Krause is starting to hesitate and do high impact moves like fleeing knees without connecting. It's allowing Stout to land significantly more. Slip on a high kick and Krause tries to get Stout down but can't. Stout's movement is fairly solid right now; Krause is starting to pump the jab more but Stout is countering by stepping in with big overhand rights. Krause tries to throw a step-in elbow and can't connect, some big shots from Stout landing. Stout with a beautiful outside single and gets the takedown. Krause grabs an arm in guillotine and pulls guard, locking it in and Stout taps at 4:45 of the third round.
Official Verdict: James Krause def. Sam Stout by guillotine choke
Sean Pierson vs. Kenny Robertson
Round 1
Kenny Robertson comes out going for the takedown and slips, Sean Pierson stops him and makes some punches for his effort. Robertson with another takedown attempt and PIerson goes for a guillotine, Roberts passes and grabs back control and then mount. Locks a body triangle in and it's hand control as Robertson is looking for a rear naked choke. Robertson with some punches and scramble as pierson gets back to his feet, looking for a front choke using the body and can't pull it off. Robertson with his back to the cage and Pierson backs off. RObertson with a light kick to the body and Pierson with a nice counter. Pierson goes for a takedown and doesn't connect, Pierson landing some nice punches. Robertson grabs a body clinch and tries to drag, countered with a whizzer and RObertson steps over for back control. Pierson scrambles out of it and Robertson is in deep on a single. Pierson fighting it off well in a sprawl, Robertson back up and we're back to the middle of the cage. Pierson with a nice combination as Robertson wades in as this is turning into a brawl. 10-9 Robertson but a very close round. You could go 10-9 Pierson and not be wrong, either.
Round 2
Pierson comes out more aggressive, pumping the jab as Robertson is throwing more kicks. Robertson with some wild strikes to try and get the clinch. Pierson throws a spinning back fist to get inside and can't connect. Pierson is outlanding him as Robertson is throwing wild and sloppy, PIerson landing very precisely. Pierson with a nice head kick and Robertson goes for a double, sprawl and Robertson goes for a d'arce and can't finish. Robertson grabs top position with two minutes and looks to move to mount, Pierson in butterfly guard and then to closed guard. Robertson is trying to pass, landing some nominal ground and pound, as Pierson is working for a standup. Pierson is landing solidly off his back as he's making Robertson miss with most of his big strikes. 10-9 Pierson, 19-19
Round 3
Wild brawl and Robertson lands flush with a beautiful elbow as Pierson drops for a single, Robertson landing some hammer fists. Scramble and Robertson grabs his back and has control but doesn't have back mount. Pierson rolls to his stomach and grabs back mount, Robertson landing some punches on top. He's landing strikes as Pierson is just holding on, waiting for his moment. Pierson rolls to his side and Robertson lands ; Robertson is controlling this round and looking to flatten him out but Pierson is just trying to survive. Robertson with a rear naked choke but PIerson fights out and rolls into full guard from Robertson. 10-9 Robertson- 29-28 Robertson
Official Verdict: Sean Pierson def. Kenny Robertson by majority decision
Roland Delorme vs Edwin Figueroa
Round 1
Both guys come out swinging and Delorme grabs a double and slams him down, Figueroa back up and he's back on the ground and back mounted. Delorme looking for the RNC with a body triangle, scramble and Delorme locks in a triangle. Blasts him with some elbows and rolls into an armbar, loses it and Figueroa gets top position. Delorme grabs a triangle off his back and Figueroa fights out of it again. Figueroa is landing some big punches as Delorme grabs a heel hook, scramble and Delorme into side control in a mounted crucifix. Delorme is looking to grab back and FIgueroa scrambles but gives up his back anyway. Body triangle again and he's looking for the RNC again. Figueroa is fighting it off brilliantly, though, as Delorme has one arm trapped. This is beautiful from Delorme as he's going for that choke. He's been landing some nice strikes, as well, as the round ends with him dropping some punches on him. 10-9 Delorme.
Round 2
Delorme gets him down early and Figueroa is back up quick, grabs back control and drags him down to the ground. Figueroa grabs a triangle off his back after a scramble and nearly has it, Delorme gets out and Delorme on top, landing some big shots. He's working to get to back again and Figueroa rolls on his stomach, body triangle from Delorme as he has the back with half the round to go. Figueroa is playing hand control to keep him away, though, and scrambles his way back to his feet. Delorme gives up his back and Figueroa in top position, Delorme rolls for an armbar and tries to turn it into a triangle. Figueroa with some nice strikes from top as Delorme is exposing himself to grab a submission. He's looking for a triangle but Figueroa backs out of it. FIgueroa with some big shots that Delorme is eating some shots. Guillotine doesn't go anywhere but Delorme up and drags him back to the ground. Back control to back mount as he rolls for that RNC one more time. ROund ends this way. 10-9 Delorme, 20-18
Round 3
Both guys come out throwing as Figueroa is looking to keep his distance. Delorme shoots the gap and gets Figueroa to the ground. Figueroa rolls for a heel hook and gives up his back in the process, Delorme grabs back control and both hooks for back mount. Switch to a body triangle and he's back to working for a rear naked choke again. Figueroa stands and Delorme gives up the body triangle, looks to drag him to the ground. Figueroa looks to roll for a knee bar but Delorme drags him back to the mat in back control some more. He goes for back mount and Figueroa bucks him off, back standing. Figeuroa with some nice combinations, Delorme goes for the takedown but can't get it. Figueroa is winning the standup portion as Delorme grabs the double and takes him to the ground. Delorme looking for side control and gets it, turns it into north south but can't finish the choke. Back into side control, scramble and Delorme with back control. This is a positional clinic right now as Figueroa nearly rolls to sitting and Delorme is holding on. Figueroa gets top position in half guard as he lands some big shots with 20 seconds left. Delorme is covering up as Figueroa is landing some big shots. Delorme holding on to the leg and round ends. 10-9 Figueroa, 29-28 Delorme
Official Verdict: Roland Delorme def. Edwin Figueroa by unanimous decision.
Mitch Clarke vs John Maguire
Round 1
Both men come out throwing but nothing of note. Lots of low kicks and single punches. Clarke is attacking the front leg but is eating some straights for his efforts. Not a lot of action as Maguire lands a nice combination. It's becoming pretty monotonous so far; leg kicks from clarks, counters from Maguire. Eye poke from Clarke and we have a break.
Clarke with a nice high kick that lands on the shoulder, Maguire goes in and grabs back control but Maguire is looking to grab a kimura as they back off against the cage. Maguire is looking to take him down and Clarke is looking to get away. Clarke is throwing elbows backwards but isn't landing, but they look pretty. Maguire jumps on his back with Clarke still standing. He shakes him off as Maguire looks to grab him down, some cage work and we're separated. Clarke flashes a head kick that doesn't connect. Maguire goes for a power double that doesn't connect but manages to spin around in the scramble, Clarke lands some nice elbows to the forearm as the round ends in back control. Clark 10-9.
Round 2
Clarke looks for those leg kicks again as Maguire is throwing more as the round begins. He's being aggressive in between leg kicks from Clarke but isn't checking them some more. Clarke with some nice overhands and Maguire gets the takedown, Clarke in full guard. Clarke's looking for the stand up and Maguire is landing some light punches to the body. Clarke is boxing the ears from bottom as we're getting warning from the ref to get some action. Not much is going on as this is just begging for a standup, Clarke looking to grab a kimura. Clarke rolls and sets up a scramble, gets back on his feet and goes for a crotch lift from a single leg. Can't finish but Maguire's not got his back against the cage.Clarke is being active here with some foot stomps and knees to the body. Ref break with 40 seconds left or so, Clarke throwing kicks and following it with shots. Maguire is reacting as Clarke is pressing the pace. Maguire shoots in and grabs back control, round ends as he looks for an awkward heel hook. 10-9 Clarke, 20-18, but a round probably closer than we think.
Round 3
Clarke's the aggressor now as Maguire is reacting, not acting. Maguire goes in for a takedown and Clarke lands a nice knee to the head for his efforts. Big left followed by a nice combination from Clarke. Clarke grabs the body lock and we're against the cage. Clarke is pressuring him as he's throwing knees to the body and using foot stomps to stay busy. Break from the ref with three minutes left and Maguire in on that single again, spins to back control and drags him down to the ground. Maguire with the left hook in, then both, as he's looking to work a RNC with his back against the cage. Switches to a body triangle as we're playing hand control. right now. Clarke is doing a good job fighting off as Clarke is trying to use the cage to get something happen. Maguire isn't fighting desperate enough right now; he's almost content ride it out and wait for it. Clarke rolls him onto his back and Clarke backs out, diving into side control with 20 seconds left. He lands a big punch as he stands up on a prone Maguire. 10-9 Maguire, 29-28 Clarke.
Official Verdict: Mitch Clarke def. John Maguire by unanimous decision
Yves Jabouin vs Dustin Pague
Round 1
Jabouin comes out with some nice kicks, Pague catches one and nearly takes him down but Jaboin stops him and drops him with a right. Pague is on his back and Jaboin jumps into his guard. Pague is looking to attack off his back; he's using his legs to try and set up a sweep, looking for an armbar. Jaboun is defending well, landing a nice elbow in the process.Pague sinks a triangle and nearly has it complete but Jabouin powers out, dropping some big shots onto Pague. Grabs an armbar and Jabouin is caught deep but manages to fight his way out of it. Pague grabs half guard off it as Jabouin is trying to free himself for some strikes. Pague rolls for a heel hook and has it tight and Jabouin lets it go, looking to roll into a knee bar. Pague manages to get top position as Jabouin is scrambling out of it Pague rolls into an head arm triangle and then to a triangle as well. Jabouin gets out and is tagging him, Pague's face against the cage. Jabouin is landing some shots as the round ends. Pague 10-9
Round 2
Both guys come out trading out of the clinch as Pague is pushing the pace. Beautiful trip throw from Pague as he lands in mount. He's looking to work a head arm triangle but can't lock it in. He postures up and is teeing off on Jabouin, who rolls to his stomach and Pague grabs a body triangle on top. He's looking to set up a rear naked choke as Jabouin rolls to his back. Jabouin is fighting off solidly by playing wrist control but Pague is working slowly. He rolls back into mount and is landing some big shots on Jabouin, Pague looking to grab a head arm triangle. Nice hip escape into half guard for Jabouin off his back as Pague is looking to grab mount. Jabouin escapes lands on top, nearly gets triangled before getting into full guard. This is some first rate grappling and scramble work. Jabouin is eating some big shots from bottom and Pague is looking to roll into an armbar from bottom. Jabouin is getting sloppy and leaving his arm open for it. Jabouin with some nice elbows as he's looking to grind the round up from top. Pague is looking to roll into an armbar from bottom, round ends as he can't finish it. 10-9 Pague, 20-18 Pague
Round 3
Jabouin gets a trip takedown out of the clinch early and Pague is looking for that armbar again. Jabouin is getting sloppy with his right arm and Pague is all over it. Jabouin is content to work out of full guard right now and land strikes but Pague is looking to work; Jabouin keeps leaving that arm out and Pague keeps going for that armbar off his back. Jabouin is looking to just hang out of guard right now, not doing much as Pague is dictating the action off his back. We get a standup halfway through the round. Jaboin slips with a spinning kick and Pague hits an illegal knee to the head that the ref doesn't see. Pague has him on the ground and grabs mount, some solid elbows. He's looking to grab an armbar but Jabouin is looking to just survive right now. Jaboin scrambles but lands right in a triangle but manages to fight his way out of it. Jabouin is looking to ride out the clock and Pague is attacking, nearly landing a triangle as time expires. 10-9 Pague, 30-27 Pague.
Official Verdict: Yves Jabouin def. Dustin Pague by Split-Decision