Rousey rips fan over sex question

Ronda Rousey is a sex symbol. The reigning UFC Women's Bantamweight Champion has posed for ESPN the Magazine's "The Body Issue" and Maxim's "Hot 100" list, and there is definitely an aspect of her brand that benefits from her being a very good-looking as well as very successful MMA fighter.
That being said, it must be extremely annoying to constantly be asked questions about your sex life from horny male reporters when you want to talk about your UFC career instead.
Sometimes, these questions might pile up to the point that you might want to snap.
That is exactly what happened on Wednesday at a UFC media tour stop in New York City after a fan asked Rousey how often she has sex before her fights. The video, which was recorded by MMA blogger Eric Holden and posted on Twitter, shows Ronda's reaction to the question:
Ouch! If you want to really embarrass somebody for asking something inappropriate, it is a pretty safe bet to pull a, "What would your mother say?"
Then, when the guy tries to save face and change his question to a query that is a little less objectifying, Ronda pulls another power move by allowing somebody else to cut in with a question of his own.
Now, this isn't the first time that Ronda has fielded questions like this, so it is a little unclear as to why she decided to berate this guy in particular. Maybe this dude looked especially creepy?
Whatever the reason, here is a good guide to fans in the future who want to know how they can get away with asking these sorts of questions, courtesy of the legendary Conan O'Brien:
Look at how Conan casually brings it up, calmly lulling Ronda into a sense of safety. Take note, Rousey fans, because she definitely wasn't going to ask O'Brien what his mother thought of that question.
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(h/t to Sportress of Blogitude)