OSP? SMH: UFC world reacts to news that Saint Preux will face Jones at UFC 197

When the news broke that Daniel Cormier was injured and couldn't fight at UFC 197, we asked you, the fans, who you wanted to see replace him and fight Jon Jones.
The leading vote getter in our poll was Rumble Johnson, with 54 percent.
Ovince Saint Preux? He got 1 percent of the vote.
One percent.
Well, that 1 percent is pretty powerful, 'cause on Saturday the UFC announced OSP is getting the fight. And here's how fans reacted:
Big thanks to the @ufc for this incredible opportunity. One question: You down with #OSP? #UFC197 @KnoxMma #RQQ #VFL pic.twitter.com/jMsfrWiu30
— Ovince Saint Preux (@003_OSP) April 3, 2016
Hey @003_OSP just wanted to thank you for stepping up and taking this fight last minute. Grateful for the opportunity to compete with you
— Jon Bones Jones (@JonnyBones) April 2, 2016
I mean who wants to fight the p4p best in the world on short notice. Enjoy that. https://t.co/v76kiF8J6v
— Brendan Schaub (@BrendanSchaub) April 2, 2016
Hey @JonnyBones if you still want to try HWT I am your huckleberry #MMA #UFC
— Shane Carwin (@ShaneCarwin) April 2, 2016
@LiLIzZo1 well it's not exactly the most competitive fight on paper but Jones should finish OSP by RNC after a good scrap
— Chris Uzmaki (@UzmakiBlk) April 2, 2016
@JoeMoney13 they even had the ABQ police officer Brown on the roaster n still chose #OSP
— Owusu Achiaw Kwasi (@owusuoak) April 2, 2016
OSP vs @JonnyBones ??????????????????????????@danawhite @ufc @lorenzofertitta hope Jon opens the huge favorite. Time to win big money again
— Brian Crosby (@sdudog) April 2, 2016
@benfowlkesMMA would OSP over Jones be the biggest upset in MMA history? Cuz it'll never happen, right?
— kyle young (@kyleofwires) April 2, 2016
#jbj vs #osp @JonnyBones vs @003_OSP super exciting this is a much better fight than the one with #DC bring it home #elbones smashing time!!
— Arif Ali (@alite13) April 2, 2016
@003_osp about to get that work! Can't wait for this fight! #WarOSP https://t.co/b1dYtjDofp
— DJ JAckson (@Kimura_Kid) April 2, 2016
@003_OSP hell yes.. can't wait to see you go to war with jones at ufc 197
— Jessica b (@Country_girljj) April 2, 2016
@DrManMilk Yes! I know it's OSP now, but damn I would've loved Hunt vs Jones
— Jason Linde (@xXLINDEXx) April 2, 2016
If Jon Jones and Ovince Saint Preux go the distance, OSP should have the cardio advantage - said no one ever @MMARoasted #UFC197
— DanaUnleashed (@DanaUnleashed) April 2, 2016
Couldn't care less who @JonnyBones fights just glad to see him back OSP has some bottle
— scott (@ScottSpringham) April 2, 2016
@MMASupremacy interim belt for me is just an excuse for 5 rounds. I like it for Aldo/Edgar, not so much for Jones/osp
— Riley Woodford (@Riley_96) April 2, 2016
Jon Jones & OSP? I think @markhunt1974 would've been a better fight TBH ?#ufc197 pic.twitter.com/NQcchHlWi2
— Mike Ruizquińones (@Pugilista709) April 2, 2016
@Jsharris10 @JayPrimetown would be floored if we saw a 3rd round even. I could sub OSP prob
— Lance Fischel (@LanceFischel5) April 2, 2016
@marc_raimondi OSP x DC for the title unification is going to be bananas
— E. Ariño de la Rubia (@earino) April 2, 2016
damn i really was looking forward to #UFC197 Jones vs OSP i think alot of people really could care less about this 1
— dustin (@DustinPizz) April 2, 2016
Why OSP? https://t.co/KofemijGSl
— Culture (@NotCleveland) April 2, 2016
OSP is going to get murdered on tv. #UFC #MMA
— Paul Piro (@Pau1Piro) April 2, 2016
Jones will now fight OSP for the interm belt. I'll be honest, I didn't see coming. https://t.co/M4ixpfJuRW
— ClubStriker MMA (@ClubStrikerMMA) April 2, 2016
OSP is an interesting matchup bodytype-wise pic.twitter.com/u3tuw5W8N1
— Mahippal (@mahippalsidhu) April 2, 2016
Deffo rooting for @003_OSP kill it???? #UFC197
— Mikey (@Mikey88800) April 2, 2016
Wow @ufc Jones vs osp? That's a garbage fight no one cares about.
— George Michael (@jonsnowglobe) April 2, 2016
OSP is going to get MDK'ed. #UFCFightThing197
— Derek (@ricketyoldshack) April 2, 2016
I'm just happy the main event is still on. @003_OSP is CRAZY taking this fight on such short notice. ? ? https://t.co/KZQsYDs8BG
— Reece Smith (@RJSX16) April 2, 2016
fair play to OSP for stepping in, however I don't see him posing much of a threat to Jones #P4P1 #UFC197 https://t.co/F5Xm2vjSYb
— Stanton (@AlexStanno19) April 2, 2016
Betting against the Harlem Globetrotter's is a better decision than picking OSP over Anthony Johnson for an interim title shot @MMARoasted
— DanaUnleashed (@DanaUnleashed) April 2, 2016
Still, gonna shove a bet on OSP though, will probably be a bigger underdog then Holm was vs Rousey, surely? #UFC197
— UFC Updates (@TheUFCUpdates) April 2, 2016
@JonnyBones props for OSP stepping up and saving event but he's just a lamb being led to a lion. JJ round 1 tko
— Eric (@VanRicter) April 2, 2016
@MMAFanMichael if I was @AndyinthePeg I'd bet all my money on Syracuse +10 before I lost it all betting on OSP
— Ty (@KY_MEDTCH) April 2, 2016
Interim title? Wtf. I agree he should stay on the card, and believe Jones is the true champ but still... OSP? Smfh https://t.co/SddsxCgxWm
— Jonathan Nunez (@_N_Jonathan) April 2, 2016
— ginger bread man (@BangleAngle) April 2, 2016
Please MMA gods, let @003_OSP take the interim and go on to be champion. I can't stand DC or JJ. OSP you're my hero right now #UFC197
— Hannah Shaw (@HShawUFC) April 2, 2016
@lozcore99 in terms on height and reach, big guy. Will be interesting to see and OSP has really good ground game
— Sky (@The_Umair) April 2, 2016
I'd rather see OSP and Jones than watch Bader fall to his knees KOed again. Rumble is ideal but his surgery prevents that #UFC197
— Caleb Bell (@YouthTalkNow) April 2, 2016
@danawhite You're fight scheduling has been trash af lately. You choose OSP over Rumble to replace Cormier? Smh give the fans what they want
— NiangGOAT (@CycloneInsiders) April 2, 2016
@JoshDavisSports ok, so to pull it back a bit 1) OSP/Jones, not the best fight, but at LHW not much choice
— Edd U (@dvrdsscks) April 2, 2016
From this list, I think all (ok, maybe not Bader) would of been more entertaining match-ups then OSP #UFC197
— UFC Updates (@TheUFCUpdates) April 2, 2016
Jon Jones said he's only going to fight OSP if it counts towards his Community Service #UFC197
— MMA Roasted (@MMARoasted) April 2, 2016
.@DusseldorfWhite Same Jones will dismantle OSP, then celebrate by running over a bag of kittens in his car and it'll be another 2 years.
— Cacky Raphael (@London_Calling_) April 2, 2016
Jon Jones vs OSP. And they will spin this as something anyone wants to see. Less ppvs higher quality please #UFC197
— Randall Williams (@rgwII) April 2, 2016
Taps to Glover in May. Coasts to a decision vs Cavalcante in Feb.. fights for Interim LHW Title in April. OSP vs Jon Jones, its lit. #UFC197
— Dean Bowers. (@WhyAlwaysDean) April 2, 2016
@ufc @003_OSP @JonnyBones who turned down the chance to fight Jones? Hell, I'd rather see iceman get knocked out again!
— me (@jumpset51) April 2, 2016
@JESnowden @JustBleedMMA anyone can get caught with a clean shot and OSP has KO power ferdayz. Jones clearly more skilled, obviously.
— Probably Shotguhn. (@ZBelicaIRL) April 2, 2016
@UFC_Obsessed & now OSP has a cool story to tell his future kids. This literally his only opportunity to fight the GOAT.
— Twurk (@RBGtwurk) April 2, 2016
The difference between OSP & Jones- if OSP loses their fight, he goes back to the gym & improves. JJ goes on a bender/gets arrested #UFC197
— Robbie Keano (@I_AM_TOTTENHAM) April 2, 2016
#UFC197 Hard to believe no other opponents were absolutely ready, but I guess something had to be confirmed ASAP. OSP play Buster Douglas?
— Dylan Max (@DylanMax8) April 2, 2016
I Guess Dana & The UFC Realli Wants To Play That Champion Vs Champion Angle..When Jones Beats OSP.. #UFC197
— ..Joe~Money.. (@JoeMoney13) April 2, 2016
I don't think OSP has the gas tank to handle @JonnyBones #UFC197
— Jarold (@MoneyMitch_hell) April 2, 2016
Jon Jones OSP #UFC197 is a decent replacement good tune up fight OSP is a known quanitity but in no way a threat good out come of a bad spot
— Mike MaZZacane (@MaZZM) April 2, 2016
@ChungFKennedy jones vs osp is alright match. rematches are boring and DC is paper champion. Jones reel champ @FISTPOSE tell em
— HELLO JAPAN (@HelloJapan01) April 2, 2016
LOVE this fight! Something new for @JonnyBones. @003_OSP has LEGIT KO power and a nasty ground game. #UFC197 https://t.co/XvhZBo6OP3
— Mike Linden (@MikeLindenWX) April 2, 2016
Bummed I don't get to see @dc_mma sloth around and get beat up again but at least @JonnyBones is fighting a real athlete in @003_OSP @ufc
— Trey H (@tharp1982) April 2, 2016
Why is OSP fighting Jon jones the best fighter in MMA I really don't understand Dana and Sean Shelby sometimes #UFC197
— Chris Stellwagen (@ChrisStellwagen) April 2, 2016
OSP is outmatched but 3 things give him hope: 1 - Jones' possible ringrust, 2 - his size, 3 - his ability to QUICKLY close distance #UFC197
— Bartek Stachura (@Lowkingpl) April 2, 2016
@arielhelwani Nothing against OSP, but this illustrates how weak the LH division is. Jones, Cormier and Rumble are on a different level.
— Howard Salter (@HowardASalter) April 2, 2016
Yeah I Did Not See OSP As An Option...When I Woke Up Today.. #UFC197
— ..Joe~Money.. (@JoeMoney13) April 2, 2016
OSP woke up this AM looking for a fight, now he faces the greatest in 3 weeks https://t.co/68vVYcLxQ4
— Ariel Helwani (@arielhelwani) April 2, 2016
@ufc @003_OSP @JonnyBones And the crowd goes mild.
— Aaron Carlson (@TheACExperience) April 2, 2016