Koscheck vs. Woodley highlights

Josh Koscheck (19-7) vs. Tyron Woodley (11-2)
Round 1
Koscheck thinks he might get his walking papers if he doesn't win here. We doubt it, but it's hard to tell.
Herb Dean is the ref for this welterweight fight.
Woodley lands a big right hand. And then a knee. Koscheck is looking for a takedown. He's in trouble.
Koscheck wouldn't touch gloves and he paid for it. Koscheck pushing Woodley against the cage. Dean breaks it up. Back to the center.
Woodley lands a right, then a hard left kick. Koscheck fires back with a right hand. Woodley might be hurt.
Koscheck throws a wild right. Woodley ducks it. These guys are throwing.
Woodley crushes Koscheck with a right hand, he goes down. He's struggling to survive. He was almost out. Dean doesn't step in. Koscheck is bleeding. He's holding on for dear life. Dean stands them back up. Koscheck is woozy. Wow. Woodley looks tired.
Woodley with a ferocious right hook and Koscheck is out! It's over. Koscheck was out and Woodley still followed up with a combination as he was falling down. Just sick.
Official Result: Tyron Woodley defeats Josh Koscheck by knockout in Round 1 (4:38)
Analysis: Woodley has serious power. The Jay Hieron knockout was no fluke. Anyone who can throw like that and wrestle like Woodley is real. He probably should have won the decision over Jake Shields in his last fight, but he's back on track now and not far from a title shot. And Koscheck? Well, it might be time to hang things up. Two scary knockouts in a row is never good.